Tyler Medaglia Injury Update
GasGas Cobequid Callus rider #5 Tyler Medaglia was set to race both classes at the final round of the 2022 Canadian Triple Crown Series MX Nationals at Walton Raceway this past weekend. He’d already secured 2nd in the 450 series so dropping down to the 250 class was an attempt to help his teammate #229 Mitchell Harrison‘s slim chances of chasing down points leader #64 Ryder McNabb.
After qualifying in both classes, he decided to focus on the 250 class because he said the Air B ‘n B they were staying in was a very old house and he woke up with bad allergies that left him not feeling 100%.
The plan was working and he was out front in moto 1 with Harrison in 2nd. Unfortunately, he had some sort of issue and he said the bike must have gone from 3rd to 2nd before the lip of the big finish line step-up and endoed hard into the ground.

He was taken to Seaforth Hospital and then to Stratford to get things checked out. He said he wasn’t knocked out but that he thought something must have been broken in his shoulder. However, x-rays came back showing no breaks.
He was told his shoulder was just sore from the impact and he was sent away. The pain was still excruciating 8 hours later as Tyler tried to get himself comfortable enough to sleep.
As he tried to lie down in bed, his shoulder popped back into place and the pain disappeared.
His hand is still swollen so he will go in for more x-rays to see what’s going on there.

He has the ISDE coming up on August 28th and then the MXON on September 25th at RedBud. He said he’s sure he’ll be fine for MXON but won’t know his condition for the ISDE until he sees the doctor in the next couple days. He’s supposed to be leaving for France early next week.
Good luck, Tyler.
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