The Long List of Accomplishments of Ross Pederson
By Billy Rainford

I’ll keep my part of the article short so you can get to the good stuff as quickly as possible. If you’ve been around a while, you know anyone over a certain age will undoubtedly bring up a certain someone’s name whenever the bench racing topic of the Canadian GOAT comes up. Of course, Im referring to the one-an-only Ross “Rollerball” Pederson.
He just celebrated a birthday so I thought it may be of interest to point some of our younger reads in the direction of his accomplishments. If you’re about to click the following Legends of Canadian Motocross link, let me warn you, you may not believe what you’re going to read, but it’s all true.
Click the LOCM link HERE and hold on to your hats.

What a champion. From a young kid on a can am from the west to one of Canada’s greatest champions.
Had the pleasure of racing with Roller Ball back in the day during the Canadian nationals. Although i was in a lower class it was amazing to watch his stamina and sheer grit on the track. I remember he would get up and run 5 miles , race and spank everyone then ride a stationary bicycle after the race. His training was a big part of his daily routine.. This guy was definitely a true champion.