The FIM WORLD JUNIOR MOTOCROSS CHAMPIONSHIP will take place August 26-28, 2022 in Vantaa, Finland. Canada will be sending a team of riders who wish to take part in the event.
The Team Manager is Carl Bastedo. He will be assisted by Zeb Dennis and Buddy Ford. Zeb is a USMCA certified motocross coach and Buddy is the head Quebec official at the Challenge Quebec Provincial Motocross Series. All three are licensed FIM officials for international events. They will cover their own expenses for the event.
Estimated costs for a rider and a parent is $10,000. That includes entry/insurance, licence’s, shipping of the bike, flights and hotel accommodation, ground transportation, shared cost of pit presence and misc. costs such as fuel and track credentials. We will launch a fund raising campaign in the coming weeks. 100% of the funds raised will be split between the riders who enter the event.
Classes at the World Junior include a 65cc class which is designated a World Cup. The maximum age of riders in that class is 12 at the end of the calendar year in which the event takes place. World Championship classes are 85cc (14 years of age maximum). Also, a 125cc class (age 17 maximum in 2022).
Should you wish to be considered for an entry into the event please email results.cma@bellnet.ca . Include Name, Address, Birth Date, Citizenship, Class you wish to ride, Make of Bike, Email Address and Phone # (cell if possible).
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