Tag "Transcan"

Walton TransCan|Friday Photo Report

Walton TransCan|Friday Photo Report By Billy Rainford What started out as a normal, warm SWO day at the Parts Canada TransCan ended with a huge windstorm that brought torrential rain for about 20 minutes. It was the kind of storm that can only last a short time. The MX3 Jr. B riders were out on the track when it hit and the race got red flagged for pretty obvious reasons.


Parts Canada TransCan|LIVE TIMING AND SCORING Be sure to follow along with all the action LIVE throughout the week at the Parts Canada TransCan GNC at Walton Raceway. The 25th Anniversary Amateur Championships are going on this week until Saturday. Don’t miss a minute of the action. Click HERE to be taken to the LIVE TIMING. Race Order:  

Parts Canada TransCan: Canadian Motocross Grand National Championship Pre- Entry Deadline is One Week from Today, June 22!

Parts Canada TransCan: Canadian Motocross Grand National Championship Pre- Entry Deadline is One Week from Today, June 22! Don’t delay, register for the 2016 Parts Canada TransCan; Canadian Motocross Grand National Championship at Walton Raceway as soon as possible. Click on the link below or visit www.partscanadatranscan.ca and follow the Registration Steps. https://secure.tracksideonlineresults.com/partscanadatranscan June 22nd – TransCan Pre Entry Deadline: Racers can pre-enter for the 2016 Parts Canada TransCan –

TransCan Early Bird Pre- Entry Deadline & Walton Raceway June Event Information

TransCan Early Bird Pre- Entry Deadline & Walton Raceway June Event Information Walton Raceway is ready for the month of June and we are excited to invite you to join us for our Open Practice’s, our TVR events and our AMO – Amateur National Qualifier (ANQ). All Racers please keep an eye on the upcoming 2016 Parts Canada TransCan – Canadian Motocross Grand National Championship Entry Deadlines! Important Dates to

$2 Tuesday – 2011 Walton TransCan Rider Round-Up

$2 Tuesday – 2011 Walton TransCan Rider Round-Up I went looking for something to post that will keep you entertained while we finish the drive home from Florida. Wait until you see a much younger Jess Pettis and Matthew Davenport in this video from 2011.