Tag "AMO"
[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.directmotocross.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Thursday-May-21-ALL-YOU-NEED-TO-KNOW.pdf”] Also: RJ’s is no longer the ANQ for May 31st. We have made the switch to Motopark for that date with ATV’s included.
AMO Qualifier – Round 2 on May 24 Update Release on May 21, 2015 TWO DAYS LEFT to ride the Dunes before this Sunday’s AMO Qualifier!! Track & Trails open on Thursday & Friday from 11am to 8:30pm then CLOSED on Saturday to prep for the BIG Event! The tracks are excessively dry and the boys will be giving them a good drenching of water starting Friday — allow
[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.directmotocross.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Thursday-April-23-ALL-YOU-NEED-TO-KNOW-FOR-AMO-TRANSCAN-ANQ-AT-MOTOPARK.pdf”]
Photo Report – CMRC Season Opener at Gopher Dunes By Billy Rainford Photos by Tyler Spikman If you’re from the south, you just don’t understand how much this time of year means to us up here. We are forced indoors for the better part of 4 months during the winter (and this one was particularly bad in most of Canada!). Once the thermometer finally heads north of zero we head
[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.directmotocross.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Thursday-April-16-ALL-YOU-NEED-TO-KNOW-AT-GOPHER-DUNES-SUNDAY-APRIL-18TH.pdf”]
Click HERE to be taken to the ISSUU posting.
Friday February 20th – Amateur Motocross Ontario Announces over 15,000 in Prizing to Support Provincial series in 2015 with more to come!!! AMO is here! The new race series created to bring fresh blood, fresh ideas and a fresh mindset to South Western Ontario Motocross racing. “I’ve been beating down doors and scorching the pavement reaching out to the industry for Support” says AMO President Ryan Gauld. “My time on
April 12th – Gopher Dunes AMO Open Practice day April 18-19th – Gopher Dunes RD1 AMO Provincial (ATV Included) April 25th – Motopark Open Practice April 26th – Motopark AMO ANQ #1 (Vintage Included) May 2-3 – Sand Del Lee Eastern ANQ (2 full days) May 9-10 – TBA May 16-17 – Motopark Cup RDs 1-2 May