Out of the Blue | Taylor Heiman | Presented by Schrader’s
By Jensen Amyotte

Name: Taylor Heiman
Date of Birth: March 6, 1996
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
School/Grade or Occupation: Co-owner of Epic Garage Designs, Owner of 362 Media Agency
Race Number: 362
Bike: 2021 KX250f
Class: Women’s Intermediate

Who got you into the sport of motocross and what is it that keeps you in it?
I started riding at the late age of 17. My younger sister, Jodi (who is two years younger than me), started riding two years before I even thought about riding a dirt bike. One day, I decided to give it a go. So, I jumped on our starter bike – a TTR220 – and never looked back.
The first time I ever rode a dirt bike I was not wearing the proper safety equipment, like boots, and I took a foot peg to the ankle. It left a gnarly scar but that never turned me away from wanting to ride again. I guess you can say I was literally “hooked.” Haha.
Now, I have 6 National Championships under my belt in various types of racing – from BITD, WORCS, AMA Big 6 and more – I live for the feeling you get when you start your bike and go. The feeling of freedom. It’s incredible to say the least.
When not on a dirt bike, how do you keep yourself busy?
Oh man, I stay plenty busy when not riding my dirt bike. I am the co-owner of a start-up company called Epic Garage Designs. We completely transform your garage with top quality USA made products – We specialize in custom cabinets, modular flooring, epoxy flooring, overhead racks, unique racing inspired furniture and more. Epic Garage has now taken on a life of it’s own and we are based in Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada, as well as Palm Springs, California. We also ship a majority of our products nationwide.
When I am not working on Epic Garage Designs, I am spending time on my small marketing agency – 362 Media Agency. The 362 Media Agency provides digital marketing to a number of businesses looking to boost their online presence. This was my first company I started right out of college after I obtained a BA in Marketing and Communication from the University of Las Vegas, Nevada. We specialize in content creation, social media management, social media marketing and lead generation, ad copy, and more.
One of my newest projects that I enjoy immensely is being the 2021 Brand Ambassador for Sigma Performance Services Race Team (SPS). This Super Late Model, Las Vegas-based, race team has a driver line-up for four driver athletes.
What does the SPS Brand Ambassador do? I conduct pre, during and post race reports of the drivers, team updates, performances, stats and much more. The SPS Race Team is currently racing the SPEARS Southwest Tour Series and all four of our drivers are a force to be reckoned with. It has been such a pleasure to continue my passion for all things motorsports and become the 2021 SPS Race Team Brand Ambassador.
If that isn’t enough, I also have a passion for fitness. It helps keep my mind and body sharp while I am waiting for my next ride!

As a racer, are there any obstacles you feel a female racer has to deal with that maybe a male racer does not?
The biggest thing I experienced with being a female racer in a male-dominated sport was the trash talk. Because of my growing online presence, I was constantly being told I was not good enough for the opportunities that were being presented. You know what I did to combat those accusations? Totally ignored them, blocked them online, took their power away from them and focused on what I was doing to increase the quality of my life. Arguing with a fool only makes two, and I would rather work in silence and let my success be my noise!
Who is your all-time favourite rider and why?
I have so much respect for Vicki Golden. She has just paved the way for women in motorsports. Even with set back after set back, she always comes back on top and she lets her riding do the talking. Golden is a fantastic role model for anyone – not just females- looking to pursue this incredible sport of motocross.

What is your favourite track and why?
Ohh gosh, that’s a hard one because there are sooo many fantastic tracks that I have been to, especially in Southern California. But the track on the top of my list that I always get excited to go to was Milestone MX. They are shut down now but that was the best track, I had so many memories there. Like winning my first TWMX Women’s Championship on a broken ankle. Haha.
I broke my ankle at LACR while battling for the lead that year. I thought I was done for that Championship but that was the second-to-last round and all I had to do was finish top 5 at Milestone to win the overall for the Championship. And I did just that. Good times…
What event do you look forward to most every year?
This one goes out to Fasthouse and Red Bull’s – Day in the Dirt event. It typically takes place Thanksgiving weekend at Glen Helen Raceway. This is one of my favorite events because my entire family (yes, even grandma) packs up the motorhome and heads out for 4 days in the dirt. Camping, cooking, family time and racing – it doesn’t get much better than that. If you haven’t been to this Fasthouse event, put it on the list. You won’t regret it.
Who has been your biggest inspiration/hero on and off the track?
He’s not so much a hero as he has been a huge support and inspiration to me. Travis Ogburn has been by my side for years now as we tackle the motorsports world. If we show up to the track and there is something I am hesitant to hit, Travis will go over it with me until I get it down and feel comfy over it. He supports all my crazy ideas and we also run Epic Garage Designs together! Very thankful for my T!

Do you have any pre-moto rituals?
Yes, I do. I will always say a prayer for everyone on the line. I simply ask that the good Lord watches over all of us for a safe ride and some good racing!!!
Oh, and I won’t wear a Go-Pro while racing because in all of my worst crashes I was wearing one. So, it’s just in my head now that if I wear one I am going down.
Tell us about your 2020 race season and your plans for 2021.
2020 was off to a great start with a top 10 finish in the Supercross Futures A1 event… I was planning on chasing the entire west coast rounds for Supercross Futures until everything was cancelled due to… well, you know.
Supercross Futures is an incredible event that takes place the day after Supercross. They trim down the track just a tad, and unleash the amateurs to try and compete on the same track the best in the world did the night before. It’s truly an incredible experience to race in these stadiums on a challenging course.
As for 2021, I am focusing on growing Epic Garage Designs and attending Super Late Model races for the SPS Race Team. I do have some plans…. but those will be released shortly!
If you had 1 piece of advice for a female looking to get into motocross at any age, what would it be?
Just do it! You never know the crazy, amazing and beautiful journey dirt bikes might take you on! Be patient with yourself and trust the process. The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.
If you really want something your passion will point you in the right direction. Oh, and I am always here to help! Contact me via social media or email (taylor@362mediaagency.com) and I will answer any more detailed questions.

What are your biggest accomplishments to date?
My biggest non-work related accomplishment to date would be driving for Monster Jam for the summer of 2019. Out of 30 applicants flown to Florida for an in-depth interview, only 8 of us were chosen to learn from the legendary Tom Meents on how to control these Monster Jam trucks. We went through a rigorous summer of training in Paxton, IL and at the end we had to perform 6 shows in 2 days. Once we all completed the Monster Jam University requirements we were then certified to drive for Monster Jam.
Sadly, everything in 2020 was cancelled and Feld Entertainment is just picking up tour schedules again for Monster Jam. I look forward to seeing more live shows back on the circuit and Monster Jam running on 110% again. Those Monster Jam trucks were so fun to drive and I am grateful for all the experience I gained behind the wheel.
What is the biggest lesson that motocross has taught you so far?
When you fall down, get back up and FINISH. No matter how tough the race of life might seem – you always show up, give it your all and when things do not go your way – you make adjustments and complete the task.
In other words, BE RESILIENT.

Do you ever see yourself coming to race the Canadian women’s nationals?
Given the opportunity I would absolutely love to race the Canadian Women’s Nationals. Canada is a beautiful country, I have been there twice, and to be able to race would be a no brainer. Although, those ladies are fast and just meeting them would be such an honor!
Who would you like to thank?
All of this wouldn’t be possible without: Epic Garage Designs, 362 Media Agency, SPS Race Team, Fasthouse, FNX Fit, MotoPro Graphics, Laka Coolers, AllSport Dynamics Wrist Braces, Flow Vision Goggles, TBT Suspension, Maxima USA, Ethika, Matrix Concepts, MotoSeat, and my incredible family and friends!

Thank you so much for featuring me! What a pleasure to speak with you all about my motorsports endeavors.
Awesome article on Taylor!! She’s us such a HUGE inspiration to women riders of all ages. Such a multi-talented young lady, working hard and living life to the fullest…a true mentor!
I can’t give you rainbows without my storms. There’s no sunshine without my hurricanes. My love, there will be days when I am the hardest person to choose, when I can be the most distant human being but trust me when I say that those are also the days I will be needing all your love. Staying with me isn’t always a paradise, most days are just ugly and unbearable. I wish you’d choose me still. I hope to overcome these struggles with you because after all, I’d do the same for you.
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