Out of the Blue: Sandra Renaud
By Jeff McConkey
Name: Sandra Renaud
Birth Date: April 15 1995
Hometown: Blainville, Quebec
School & Grade or Occupation: Sales Rep for Nedco
Number: 415
Bike: 2012 Suzuki RMZ250
Classes: Women
How did you get started in racing?
I was supposed to start my first complete season of racing this year, but unfortunately tore my ACL and got operated on in July. I had the chance to race my first Enduro race in Saint-Veronique before and I loved my experience. I will be training to race in MX next year hope to do all races.
As a little girl, did you ever expect to be this deep into a sport like motocross?
No, as a little girl I was actually scared of a 4-wheeler and the noise it made. But growing up seeing my cousin race and having fun I decided to try, and completely fell in love with the sport.
Do you think motocross is harder for a female to compete in?
I don’t think it’s harder for a female to compete since they now have so many classes for us to be able to race at different levels and I think we have made our place in the sport.

Sandra is a big Chad Reed fan because of everything he’s managed to accomplish. – Francis Milot photo
Who is your favourite rider and why?
My favourite rider is by far Chad Reed. Inspiring man who started competing in Australia winning almost all of the Australian Supercross Championship. In 2014, at 32 years old, he was still racing in the AMA Supercross. Started the season good and had a bad crash that got his shoulder messed up. He is my favourite rider I love the way he rides and for all the achievements he did in being one of the only riders that started his own team, TwoTwo Motorsports.
Is there one lady racer out there that you think has paved the way for other girls to be successful in the sport?
Yes, I think Eve Brodeur is an inspiring young lady racer that has paved the way for other girls to succeed. She has worked hard and dedicated time and effort to this sport. She has shown us that motocross is not only for boys and that women can race with boys and finish with great results.
What Canadian Pro do you look up to and why?
Kaven Benoit. I think he is inspiring and works hard on the track and off track to improve every aspect of his riding.
What is your favourite track and why?
I haven’t tried a lot of tracks so far but I like them all. I think they make us learn different skills and if they are harder you just work on a different technique.
Who is your hero?
I don’t have a hero but I have mentors that I look up to and that I admire such as my mother and father. They have guided me through life and I thank them so much for educating me and showing me how life works and showing me the good from the bad.
What were your goals for this season?
This season was not a good season since I got operated but looking forward for next year. My next season goals would be to race as much as I can, not getting hurt and most of all having fun. I would like to finish all my races and maybe have a podium…who knows?
What are your biggest accomplishments?
My biggest accomplishment in motocross sport would be racing in my first-ever race and that I did pretty good and most of all had fun.
What is your favourite part about going to the races?
Racing is fun, you have the adrenaline and the anxiety before and after you feel good and gave your all. But I think that races are fun because of the people going; it becomes a family.

Sandra is an avid skier and likes to hike in the woods when she’s not riding. – Pascal Laroche photo
What do you like to do when you aren’t racing?
In the winter I ski a lot and love it too. I love training and hiking in the woods exploring new places.
Is it important to have a motocross racer as a boyfriend/partner, or just a bonus?
For me it’s important because I wouldn’t be able to put my bike in my truck alone. No, seriously it’s a bonus but for sure it would be nice to have a motocross racer as a boyfriend.
If you ever have children, will they be motocross racers?
For sure, I would introduce them to the sport and will follow them through this sport but if they really don’t want to I will not push them to do something they don’t want to.
Who do you want to thank?
My biggest sponsor, my mom.