Out of the Blue: Myriam Bouchard
By Jeff McConkey
Name: Myriam Bouchard
Birthday: November 21, 1997
Hometown: Baie-Saint-Paul, Quebec
School & Grade: Full-time student in Natural Sciences at
CECC College
Number: 93
Bike: 2012 KTM SXF-250
Race Club: Challenge Quebec
Classes: Women’s A

Let’s get to know Quebec racer, Myriam Bouchard, a little better. ~ JD Ruel photo supplied by Bouchard
How did you get started in racing?
I was watching the races at my local track and I asked my dad to buy me a dirt bike. So that’s how all started in 2008! I was very impressed and I really wanted to try. I started racing the same year at 10 years old. I ride since that day, 9 years of racing now.
As a little girl, did you ever expect to be this deep into a sport like motocross?
Not at all! No one in my family was doing motocross. I’m the first. At the same time, it’s not surprising because I always liked physical sports. In my first year, I’ve got the chance to be helped by some local Pro riders that teach me a lot. I’m very thankful to them.
Do you think motocross is harder for a female to compete in?
Before, yes. I remember when people told me that motocross was a boys’ thing. It was kind of frustrating. But now, more ladies are doing motocross and endurocross. We have more visibility than when I started. The starting gates are almost full at every race. It’s very motivating!

Myriam’s favourite track? “Motocross Charlevoix at Baie-Saint-Paul for sure! And it’s not only because I’m the owner. This track is so much different than the others in Quebec.” ~ Myriam Bouchard photo
Who is your favourite rider and why?
Ryan Dungey! I love his consistency. He is definitely the type of rider I always wanted to be. In my opinion, it’s the consistency that [wins] championships. Dungey also has an excellent attitude on and outside the track.
Is there one lady racer out there that you think has paved the way for other girls to be successful in the sport?
In the girls that I know it’s definitely Ève Brodeur! This girl is literally in fire! She is young and she is dominant everywhere she goes. Ève, you’re impressive!
What Canadian Pro do you look up to and why?
Jeremy and Tyler Medaglia since day one! They were the first Pro riders that I watched. These guys are so adorable…seriously! Very funny and sympathetic. Also, they always work hard and are always in the top riders. These guys are determined. And for sure I look up at Kaven Benoit. Benoit is an inspiration for the Quebecer. So dominant!

Myriam balances being a full-time student, track owner, and racer all at the same time. ~ Frede Forest photo supplied by Bouchard
What is your favourite track and why?
Motocross Charlevoix at Baie-Saint-Paul for sure! And it’s not only because I’m the owner. This track is so much different than the others in Quebec. It’s definitely a sand dune. Beach sand as I like! But honestly, my second choice is Ulverton for her ups and downs.
Who is your hero?
My parents for all they did for me. They put all their time to let me do what I love. I can’t thank them enough. They are amazing!
However, I need to say that Ronda Rousey has so much an inspiring story!
What are your goals for this season?
To be healthy. The last two years were so frustrating with my arm injury that I just want to be in a good shape and perform like I know I can. Besides that, I’m always looking for the top 10 in Women A. It’s always the main goal. As well, Motocross Charlevoix takes a lot of my time. I have big projects in mind for this track.
What are your biggest accomplishments?
Winning my Challenge Quebec championship in 2012 in Women B. It’s taken time. I have never been the fastest, but I worked hard that year. That same year, I won a race at my local track for the first time in front of my family and many friends. What a feeling!
What is your favourite part about going to the races?
Not the starting gate (laughs)! I’m so stressed, I want to disappear every time. I’m good at starts but it stress me anyway. In a big part, I like the atmosphere at races and all that comes after the starting gate. Racing is fun and the adrenaline that motocross gives is intense.
What do you like to do when you aren’t racing?
Like I said, I’m a full-time student so when I’m not at school, I work. That’s kind of boring (laughs). But honestly, I played volleyball a lot and ski during the winter. By the way, I’m always at the track all summer long!

During the off-season, she can be found playing volleyball or skiing. ~ Louise Desbiens photo supplied by Bouchard
Is it important to have a motocross racer as a boyfriend/partner, or just a bonus?
Motocross is a big part of me. It’s not important that he races but he needs to ride for sure! During the summer I’m not at home, I’m always at the track. Besides that, it’s always fun to have a private mechanic!
If you ever have children, will they be motocross racers?
If he or she wants. I’ll try for sure but I’ll not force him if he doesn’t want to. However, I’ll try!
Who do you want to thank?
J’aimerais remercier Electro Dan, Microbrasserie Charlevoix, Motocross Charlevoix, Ryno Power Canada, Slick Products, All Aspects, Mika Metals, Dt1 Filters ainsi que toute ma famille pour leur support! Thanks for your support!!