Out of the Blue | Mya Cochrane | Presented by Schrader’s
By Jensen Amyotte

Name: Mya Cochrane
Date of Birth: April 2, 2002
Hometown: Blackstock, Ontario
School/Grade or Occupation: Second year Biological Science student at the University of Guelph
Race Number: 948
Bike: KTM 150 XCW
Race Club: Off-road Ontario
Classes: Womens Pro

When not on a dirt bike, how do you keep yourself busy?
I love the outdoors and like to keep busy. When I am not riding or racing I enjoy cycling, hiking and a variety of weight training to stay active. In the winter months I find myself focusing on school for the most part and many days out on the trails snowmobiling. Other than the fun stuff, working part time or summer jobs also keep me busy.
What event do you look forward to every year, one you don’t ever want to miss?
Personally, my favourite race of our usual Off-road Ontario season is the Gopher Dunes XC. It is usually brutally hot and dusty but the track is always fast, flowy and so much fun. I believe this is the type of track I can excel on and that’s another reason I always look forward to it.

Do you have any pre-race rituals?
I don’t have any particular rituals. The main way I keep my pre-race nerves in control is to get a good look at the track beforehand and to talk with the other racers on the line just to keep everything positive and to stay calm.
Tell us about your 2020 race season and your plans for 2021.
Although short, the 2020 season was a ton of fun, as it was my debut in Women’s Pro. For the amount of practice and riding I did, it is crazy to think we only had two races out of our normal plentiful season but in these two races I made the podium for both and I hope that work pays off again in 2021. My other main goal for 2021 is to really focus on my training, to be consistent and competitive within my class, as well as finish the Corduroy Enduro in September.
What are your biggest accomplishments to date?
My biggest accomplishment as of now would have to be finishing my Women’s Intermediate season with first in the World Enduro Canada (WEC) East Series and second place overall for the Off-Road Ontario Series. These combined accomplishments led me to be moved from Women’s Intermediate to Women’s Pro, which is another success I am proud of.

What kind of track/dirt do you feel you excel at most and why?
The type of track I would say I excel at the most would be flowy two track, more open than single track. I have the most fun at these types of races because I can find a groove and focus. I think my motocross background is the reason I find myself having my best races on these fast and open tracks.
If you could give 1 piece of advice to a female of any age who wants to start riding, what would it be?
One piece of advice I would give to any girl who wants to begin riding or racing is to just put yourself out there, you will meet so many amazing people and learn more as you go. The initial start into the sport might seem nerve wracking but eventually you will be a part of a racing community and improving your skills will come with more seat time.
What was your first fear when you started riding and how did you overcome it?
As random as it sounds, my first fear when racing at OCMC was jumping, table tops, doubles, anything. It was something I was really uncomfortable doing especially when I was younger. The main way I overcame this fear was by watching people of my similar skills doing a jump I wanted to do, or watching someone do it on my bike, so I knew what it was supposed to sound like and that my bike was more than capable. Recently, if there are jumps I am unsure about, I often pace myself with someone who is doing it and then try it myself, and I find all of these really help to find the confidence I need to do the jumps I am trying to do.

What was your first race number and how did you choose it?
My first racing number was 248. This number was originally my dad’s when he raced, and it was special to my younger self to have the same.
Who would you like to thank?
First, I would like to thank everyone at Direct Motocross who makes it possible for all of these awesome female riders, including myself, to talk about our experiences within the racing community. I would also like to thank my parents and brother for supporting me through my racing and being by my side at every event. In addition, a big thank you to FXR racing, Blackstock Motorsports and Cochrane Tree Service for their continued support.

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