Out of the Blue | Mila Pagé | Brought to You by Schrader’s
By Jensen Amyotte

Name: Mila Pagé
Date of Birth: April 2005
Hometown: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
Grade or occupation: Student at Cégep de Trois-Rivières
Race Number: 285
Bike: KTM 150 XC
Race Club: FMSQ
Classes: Women pro

Who/what inspired you to get into the sport of motocross and how long have you been racing/riding?
It all started with my friend’s brother who asked him and my dad to do motocross. After trying it, they bought some bikes and went to the races with my brother’s friend and his dad. After doing some races, they convinced my other brother and my mom to try it and they really enjoyed it. So, after cheering them for a couple of races, I told my 14 years old self, “I want to do it too” and that’s when I fell in love with this sport. This summer is going to be my fifth FMSQ season.
When not on a dirt bike how do you keep yourself busy? Are you involved in any other sports or extracurricular activities?
When not on a dirt bike, I like to do boxing because I feel like it helps me in so many ways for my motocross season. It taught me to control my stress before a race and not giving up even if it’s tough. So, when we’re off season, I’m getting ready for both motocross and boxing season.

What is your favourite track and why?
Right now, I think my favourite track of all time for off-road is the one at Motocross Tring Jonction because there are roots, rocks, hard pack and a MX section. For motocross, my favorites are Tring Jonction and Motocross Deschambault because of the big sand.
Do you have an pre-moto rituals?
The day of my race, I’m making sure I’m staying hydrated and that I’m eating a complete meal because I always forget to eat something in the morning of my race because of the stress. Also, while getting ready for my race, I like to listen music with my brothers and finally on the race start, I always tell myself to give everything I have and have fun.

If you ever have children will you give them the option to race as well?
If I ever have children, I will give them the option to race too because it brings so many things in every aspect of our lives, like perseverance, controlling stress, working hard, consistency, and not giving up even if it’s hard. But, only when they’re ready to do it and only if they want to.

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