Out of the Blue | Madison Rasmussen | Presented by Schrader’s
By Jensen Amyotte

Name: Madison Rasmussen
Date of Birth: November 21, 2003
Hometown: Calgary, Alberta
School/Grade or Occupation: Grade 12
Race Number: 21
Bike: CRF250r
Race Club: Wild Rose Motocross Association
Classes: Ladies, 250 Beginner

Who got you into the sport of motocross?
Definitely, my dad. He’s been racing his whole life and after watching him for years I decided to give it a go myself at 14 years old. Needless to say, I’ve never looked back!
When not on a dirt bike, how do you keep yourself busy?
I keep busy with school and work which I would also like to mention because they’ve been sponsoring and supporting me for the past 3 years and I couldn’t be more thankful, so shoutout to Jack Carter Powersports South! Other than that, I love spending time with my friends and family who also support me in many ways.
As a racer, are there any obstacles you feel a female racer has to deal with that maybe a male racer does not?
I feel that whether you are male or female you can achieve anything you want and that it comes down to you and your desires. Although yes, I do also feel that we as females have a different way of riding because we don’t all necessarily have the same physical strength that men may have. I think we also tend to be more reserved and polite, if you will, which can sometimes be hard to overcome for a “race” mindset.

Who is your all-time favourite rider?
I ’d have to say Ashley Fiolek who has one of the most incredible stories I’ve heard when it comes to dedication and perseverance for the sport. Not to mention, she was also born completely deaf which brings on its own challenges to begin with. But starting racing at such a young age and it still being her passion despite the obstacles she’s had to personally overcome to succeed in her career as a racer has shown me not to give up when times get tough because you can conquer anything in your own unique way.
What is your favourite track and why?
My favourite track would have to be either Pala Raceway down in California or a super cool track called Mesquite MX which is located just outside of St. George, Utah. I got to visit both when my dad and I went on a road trip down to California in November of 2019. And yes, it may have taken hours of driving but it was definitely worth it!
What event do you look forward to most every year? One you don’t ever want to miss?
Surfin’ Berms events!!! Surfin’ Berms is an organization created by some amazing female racers here in Calgary in order to encourage and support all females at any level of riding. At each event we get the privilege to have an entire track reserved just for female riders and it’s, honestly, the best time to meet and inspire new girls and exchange stories as well as show them around and give/ receive pointers. I love this because it has created a safe environment for girls who are unsure of their abilities to be able to explore and get a taste of what moto is all about!

Who has been your biggest inspiration/hero on and off the track?
My biggest inspiration when it comes to both riding and everyday support would have to be one of my best friends, Sarah. I met her my first year of racing and without her I don’t know if I’d be anywhere close to where I am now in terms of my personal success in the sport. She has constantly been there to keep me motivated and pushed me to become the best rider I can be and just a better version of myself in general with the way she continuously supports me off the track as well.
Do you have any pre-moto rituals?
Well, of course my dad always wishes me good luck before I head down to the line and will usually have some sort of words of encouragement to go along with. When I get to the line my mom always meets me there to talk to me before my race which always includes her pre-race message being “ride strong, ride safe, have fun, and I love you.”
Tell us about your 2020 race season and your plans for 2021.
The 2020 race season wasn’t exactly what I was expecting with COVID and whatnot, but we were still able to continue racing in the fall, thankfully! 2020 was the year I also stepped it up to racing two classes, one being against the guys in the 250 class! I can definitely say there are many differences between racing against men and women, but I love the challenge.
For 2021 I want to start racing Nationals as long as COVID doesn’t pull any more surprises on us.
What are your biggest accomplishments to date?
My biggest accomplishment is the fact that I finally feel like I’ve had my breakthrough year during the 2020 season. I gained so much confidence within myself, my strength, and my speed as a rider and I find myself more fearless and trusting in what I can actually do. It has taken years of practice and will always be something to continue working on but that is why I value where I’ve come to and why I view it as an accomplishment.

What is the biggest lesson that motocross racing has taught you so far?
The biggest lesson motocross has taught me is that I think we are all a lot stronger than we think we are. I say this because of the way that I see not only myself, but each individual at the track always growing and improving. I’m sure this is the same for all sports when it comes to wanting to improve and grow, but in my opinion motocross comes with so many curve balls and mental challenges unlike anything else. When you can say you’ve conquered something in this sport I think that holds a certain kind of special value.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself probably finishing up my schooling to get my degree as a social worker and sort of start that next chapter of my life. By this point, I hope I’ve been racing Nationals for a few years now and that things are going well there too. Finally, I’d like to have done more traveling in both riding/racing and life in general.
Who would you like to thank?
I would like to thank both of my parents for being incredibly supportive of me and my racing, but especially my dad for always taking me to the track, helping me with bike work, and teaching me most of what I know now when it comes to motocross. I’d also like to give big thank you once again to Jack Carter Powersports South for all the amazing help and sponsorship they’ve provided me with over these last years. Lastly, I’d like to thank all my friends, family, and the racing community for continually keeping me up and on two wheels!

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