Out of the Blue | Lexi Pechout | Presented by Schrader’s
By Jensen Amyotte

Name: Lexi Pechout
Date of Birth: May 27, 1997
Hometown: Calgary, AB
School/Grade or Occupation: Assistant Manager at BFD Moto
Race Number: 151
Bike: Husqvarna FX350
Race Club: AMSA
Classes: Women Expert/Expert (Off-road), Women’s/Junior (MX)

Who got you into the sport?
My dad has always had a passion for motorcycles, it was one of the main reasons he moved here from Germany. Both of my parents started an off-road motorcycle club called the Second Gear Club that hosted hare scrambles, XC, and ice racing events. It’s safe to say I was pretty much born on two wheels. My parents had me on my first motorcycle at the age of two and we spend almost every weekend racing or riding, and the rest is history.
When not on a dirt bike, how do you keep yourself busy?
Mountain biking and street biking.
As someone who has raced, are there any obstacles you feel a female racer has to deal with that maybe a male racer does not?
I personally believe that there are far less obstacles than there once were. I think 5-10 years ago it would be easy to argue that women had more hurdles to get over just to make it to the start line. However, that is not the case anymore.
Look at any local off-road race, there are 4 women’s classes. When I was growing up there weren’t even enough women to have one. Having this many classes makes it extremely welcoming, not only for new riders but also creates a safer environment for everyone. I have seen so many new ladies get into riding in the last few years it really is incredible.
At the end of the day it comes down to making excuses. If we want to change the way things have always been done, we have to be willing to get outside of the comfort zone to prove it. Because all of these ladies have inspired and encouraged each other to go out and race, they are able to have multiple classes.
I am motivated by the idea of more people getting on two wheels. I spent my entire life surrounded by the motorcycle community. I have met some of the most wonderful people in the world and traveled to places I never dreamed of. I want more people to have these experiences, I want more women to say “let’s figure out how to get better at XYZ“, rather than “We need to add/remove XYZ.”
I personally hope that our mindsets continue to evolve where we are simply viewed as riders and not a gender with special requirements. Let’s strive to eliminate these “obstacles” and maybe in 5-10 years from now we won’t have to ask this question.
From my experience, being a female racer has created many opportunities, but at the end of the day what you put into something is what you are going to get out. It’s really easy to make excuses, but what takes courage is saying you are going to do something and figuring out a way to make it happen. Don’t be afraid to take the road less traveled every once and a while.

Tell us about Surfin Berms.
Surfin Berms is RAD! This is the result of finding a solution to a problem and making it happen. Surfin Berms was originally created by Danika White and Megan Messinbird as a way to fundraise for the West Coast Women’s National Motocross series. They started selling merchandise, and hosting riding clinics to fundraise for race series.
Surfin Berms quickly evolved to women’s ride nights (ladies, if you haven’t been to one, don’t miss out on the fun!) where all skill levels are welcome. It is a very cool vibe when you attend a women’s ride night because they reserve one track for just the ladies with the intention of offering track time that is less intimidating for new riders.
You have ladies that are just learning to ride, never ridden a moto track before, seasoned vets, off-road riders, street riders, and little rippers on 50’s. The coolest part is that there are no boundaries, everyone is welcome. Women supporting women. The experienced riders are great role models to everyone on the track.
The world is a bit of a crazy place right now and we are all patiently waiting for COVID rules to be lifted to socialize in groups once again, until then, Danika and I have started a blog/YouTube channel reviewing products, riding tips, tech tips and more!
Danika and I want to give back to the motorcycle community that has done so much for us and the people around us. We want to share our experiences and our love for riding with everyone and hopefully we can inspire a few riders along the way!

Who is your all-time favourite rider?
I don’t know if I can pick just one! Danika White, Jannie Devin-Lamontagne, Jemma Wilson, Laia Sanz, Shelby Turner, Jessica Gardner, Mike Brown, and Jared Stock, just to name a few.
Between riding on dirt, in the woods and also the snow, which do you feel you excel at the most and why?
Riding off-road, for sure. I feel like that is where all of my skill sets come together. I also prefer longer duration events. Unlike moto, off-road events are usually 2+ hours long.

Is there an event you look forward to most every year?
The last three years I have had the opportunity to go to Japan to compete in the HTDE. It has by far become my favourite race of the year. But my favourite event of the year is Babes in the Dirt. It is an epic ladies-only event in California!
Who has been your biggest inspiration/hero on and off the track?
I have a few people that inspire me. They are the ones that make no excuses, the ones who work 9-5, come home, take care of the kids, the life things, still get training in and absolutely kick ass on the weekends. The ones that make you realize being an athlete and doing “normal” life things is still a possibility.
Tell us about your 2020 season and your plans for 2021.
2020 was wild to say the least, I think I only put about 15 hours on my bike last year. My 2021 goals are just to RIDE MORE. I want to spend more time giving back to the community and getting more people involved in the sport. In September I am planning to head back to Japan pending COVID allows me to travel.

What are your biggest accomplishments to date?
2014 Endurocross Championship, 2013 ISDE silver medal, competing in the X Games and the HTDE Women’s Championship.
What is the biggest lesson that being involved in motorsports has taught you so far?
There are so many things that the industry has taught me. I think that the biggest lesson I have learned is to slow down and just enjoy it. The people you meet, the places you go that create memories that last a lifetime are what make it all worth it. Sure, I love to win but it is such a small part of the overall picture when you learn to just enjoy the ride everything else becomes so much MORE FUN.
I used to get so upset if I didn’t finish where I hoped, and I would get so worked up on race day. At the end of the day we are riding motorcycles, remember that! Then, everything else becomes So. Much. Better. The next time you get to the start line slap some high fives, say “Good Luck” and laugh about your crashes. Just enjoy the ride.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Riding on any given Sunday.
Are there any sponsors or people you would like to thank?
Husqvarna Motorcycle Canada, BFD Moto, Fox Racing Canada, WP Suspension, AK Technologies. Dean Thompson, Dave McGregor, Tom Bodrovics for all they have done since the very beginning and of course Mom & Dad because none of this would be possible without them.

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