Out of the Blue: Kim Normandin
By Jeff McConkey
Name: Kim Normandin
Birthday: October 4th, 1996
Hometown: Acton Vale, Quebec
School or Occupation: DEP in Pastry
Number: 373, but #6 for Nationals
Bike: 2015 Honda 250f
Race Club: Laliberté Motosport
Classes: Women’s A, Junior and Women’s Nationals
How did you get started in racing?
A friend of my father started his kids racing and my dad tried motocross as well. After 1 month, he bought me one. It was a Honda Trail 100cc, but that winter he bought me an 85cc and we began this wonderful sport.
As a little girl, did you ever expect to be this deep into a sport like motocross?
No, never. But I knew I would do something with a motor. Ever since I was a little girl, I lived to do anything with a motor. I had a golf cart, vtt, mini-trail and motocross bike, and I never thought I would be doing something like motocross, because I always played soccer and did gymnastics. I began racing at 12.
Do you think motocross is harder for a female to compete in?
Yeah, for sure, and it’s like that in most sports. We get less views and less places in everything, but year after year we are more present everywhere. We are girls in a boys sport, but we made our place and I think now it’s more 50/50 because girls are more present and more respectful.
Who is your favourite rider and why?
Hannah Hodges. She is an impressive girl who showed the entire world that a girl can be fast and that girls have a place too. She trains very hard, she’s determined, but she still finds the time to hang out with her family and pass the time outside of motocross. She is a real bad ass.
What Canadian Pro do you look up to and why?
Kaven Benoit, because he works very hard to be where he is now. And also because, whatever happens, he is still focused and has a positive mind to be on top. He always gave his 110 % and takes time to hang out with fans.
What is your favourite track and why?
For the Nationals, it is Gopher Dunes. I really love sand tracks. They become rough and I don’t know, but each jump is different and there is sand everywhere. In Quebec, I love Ulverton. It’s natural and so fast. But I love sand tracks!
Who is your hero?
Obviously, my parents. They make so much time for me. They’re always happy with my results, and they push me to be more confident and faster. But also because they always support me and always tell me, “Never forget to have fun above all else.” And especially my dad who comes with me to practice; he prepares my bike and makes me confident.
What are your goals for next season?
To be top 5 in Nationals and also top 3 in Provincials. But, we will see with school if I get the time to race. But for sure I will give my 110 % in every race and I will try to meet my goals.
What are your biggest accomplishments?
Finishing 3rd in Deschambault last year at the National because I didn’t start to train until the end of June due to injuries to my ankle from April. I never thought I would podium this year or finish top 5, but I proved to myself, my heart and determination, and that you can do anything you want…and to see the happiness in the eyes of my parents, wow!

Normandin lists her 3rd place finish in Deschambault as her biggest racing accomplishment to date. – Bigwave photo
What is your favourite part about going to the races?
It’s a family. You are always received by everyone. It’s another world, and everyone is your friend until the gate drops. I love the night time when we have dinner with another race family and get into discussions about all subjects and sit around a fire.
What do you like to do when you aren’t racing?
Spending time with family first and doing family activities. Also, doing everything outdoors and taking it easy. And also eat an ice cream (laughs).
Is it important to have a motocross racer as a boyfriend/husband, or just a bonus?
Both important and a bonus because he understands easily the time I spend to succeed in motocross. And sharing the same passion became fun because we can support each other in the difficulties of this sport. He’ll understand if I’m not able to see him everyday, and it’s because I’m on a bike.
If you ever have children, will they be motocross racers?
If they want to, for sure, but I ‘ll never force them if they don’t want. It’ ll be their choice of which sport they want to do.
Who do you want to thank?
My dad, mom and family for being there, Laliberté Motosport, Smith Optic, Twice, Axxel Suspension, Motovan, Alex Laliberté my old teacher, my boyfriend, everyone who supported me, and Les Entreprises P.E Denis. Steve Normandin Inc.