Out of the Blue | Kathleen Tobin | Brought to You by Schrader’s
By Jensen Amyotte

Name: Kathleen Tobin
Date of Birth: July 21, 1989
Hometown: Sydney, Nova Scotia
Occupation: Salesperson at Cabot Powersports
Race Number: 181
Bike: 2023 Beta 300 RR
Classes: Women’s A & Women’s Expert

How long have you been racing/riding?
I’ve been riding for 6 years. I purchased my first bike in 2017, a CFR230, and worked my way up to a WR250F which was the bike I started racing. My first race was at a NSORRA event in July 2018. I told myself I wanted to do a race before I turned 30.
When not on a dirt bike, how do you keep yourself busy? Are you involved in any other sports or extracurricular activities?
When not riding or racing I keep busy with work, gym and mountain biking. I also have two fur babies at home named Maudie & Girl which keeps me busy with walks to the beach.
Who is your all-time favourite rider and why?
Hard to pick just one favourite rider. I would say my favourite famous rider would be Graham Jarvis. But the rider that taught me the most and one that I look up to would be a local rider here in Cape Breton, Bob Thorne. Bob has been racing and riding for many years, racing against my father and uncle in the past. He is always up to ride and build the most technical terrain, always pushes me and the others riders in our group outside their comfort zones making us all better riders.
What is your favourite track and why?
It’s hard to pick just one, each track has their own spiciness to them.
What event do you look forward to most every year, one you don’t ever want to miss?
Battle of the Prospect is definitely one of my favourite events. It’s located in Murdochville, Quebec, and the course is built by Duane Cabot. Duane definitely knows the meaning of Hard Enduro racing.
Who has been your biggest inspiration on and off the track?
My father and brother, Turk. Watching and hearing stories about them over the years has been my biggest inspiration.
What are your plans for this upcoming season? Any specific events you’re looking forward to?
This summer I will be racing the Corduroy Enduro event (September 21-24) for the first time in Ontario which I’m excited to race. I will also be racing at all the NSORRA and NBDRA races and a few of the FMSQ races as well this season.

What are your biggest accomplishments to date?
Being part of Beta Canada Racing Development (BCRD) team is definitely one of my biggest accomplishments to date.
What is the biggest lesson that Enduro taught you so far?
Keep pushing and never give up. It’s not going to be easy but keep pushing and riding outside your comfort zone and you’ll get there.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
My goal is to be part of the Canadian ISDE team. Racing in the Six Days event has always been a big goal of mine.
What kind of track/dirt do you feel you excel at most and why?
I would say the more technical tracks is where I excel the most. I ride a lot of the harder terrain around home so that’s what I have the most experience on.
What was your first fear when you started riding and how did you overcome it?
Hills! Going up and down them. After going away and racing in Murdochville I gained some confidence with them and they are getting better with each ride.
What was your first race number and how did you choose it?
181. This may get a few chuckles but growing up on a dairy farm I always had a favourite cow who I named Homer and her ear tag number was 181. So, when I was asked at my first race what my number was that’s the first number to jump out at me.

What do you like to do in the off season?
Off season I usually stud up the tires and keep riding, but when the snow gets too deep, I break out the snowshoes and do trail maintenance.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Do I have to grow up ….. ? lol
Who would you like to thank?
Where do I ever begin with this question?! I would have to start with my family. My brother Turk and his Best friend Justin Lewis (aka Lewis) have pretty much been the reason I got into this sport. Without them I wouldn’t have purchased my first bike. Their dedication and knowledge throughout this journey has made me who I am. Lewis plays many big roles in this journey, he is my coach, my mechanic, and riding buddy who I honestly can’t thank enough. My parents for their support and always watching my fur babies when I’m out riding and on the road racing. My boyfriend, Scott Sampson, Bob Thorne, Mark Brooks, Herb Harnish and my Valley family (The Footes) and the Halfpenny family, thank you all and a big thank you to Steve Howland with Beta Canada Racing Development and all the sponsors:
@kennymccurdy33 #TNT

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