Out of the Blue: Jessie King
By Jeff McConkey
Name: Jessie King
Birth Date: June 28, 1987
Hometown: Toronto, Ontario
School & Grade or Occupation: Just finished a sports marketing program at UCLA and now pursuing marketing opportunities in the action and motorsports industry.
Number: 187/741
Bike: 2014 RMZ 250
Race Club: MMRS
Classes: Ladies B
How did you get started in racing?
It was something I’ve always wanted to do and after I bought my bike I had no reason not to line up on the gate (I even looped my bike for my first moto!).
As a little girl, did you ever expect to be this deep into a sport like motocross?
No, growing up in the city I never even thought it was possible for me until I started working as an Instructor at Trail Tours Dirt Bike & ATV School in the Ganaraska Forest a few years ago. I worked with a great group of guys who also happened to race and they were all really supportive!
Do you think motocross is harder for a female to compete in?
Not necessarily. I saw some faaast girls in Cali. At the end of the day, there are a lot of great female riders out there and we’re all working towards the same goal that any rider is, male or female, and that’s to be the best rider that you can be.
Who is your favoUrite rider and why?
HUGE Ken Roczen and Malcolm Stewart fan. I love their riding styles.
Is there one lady racer out there that you think has paved the way for other girls to be successful in the sport?
I think all female riders pave the way for others to be successful. Seeing more girls on the track gives me (and I assume other girls, too) the confidence to keep riding and not shy away because at times it can be intimidating being the only girl on the track.
What Canadian Pro do you look up to and why?
Colton Facciotti is probably my favorite Canadian rider. I enjoy watching his success while balancing his family life.
What is your favourite track and why?
Living in California for the summer I got to ride a lot of amazing tracks. My favourite track is LACR in Palmdale, California. It’s a sand track and coming from years of riding sand in the Ganaraska Forest, it felt like home.
Who is your hero?
I don’t really have a hero.
What were your goals for this season?
My goal this season was (and still is!) (Laughs) to become a better, AKA faster rider. Speed is the biggest obstacle I face. I need to open up the throttle, or so I’m told!
What are your biggest accomplishments?
Seeing my lap times improve and finishing 5th in the MMRS Fall Series in the Ladies B class. I raced a men’s Vet class once and my fastest lap time was almost 10 seconds faster than my Ladies B class I had just raced earlier. That was encouraging!
What is your favourite part about going to the races?
Definitely the long drives and camping at the tracks, hanging out with friends and family, and probably most importantly seeing how I progress from week to week.
What do you like to do when you aren’t racing?
Hard question because when I’m not riding, I’m thinking about riding. But I do enjoy snowboarding in the winter.

If Jessie ever has children, will they be MXers? “Yes, whether they like it or not.” – Harvey Gold photo
Is it important to have a motocross racer as a boyfriend/partner, or just a bonus?
It’s a bonus, but also a definite requirement. I know that the majority of my time over the past few years has been spent trail riding and now racing. If my boyfriend didn’t share that passion, a) they’d never see me and b) they wouldn’t understand where all (and I mean all) my money goes! (Laughs)
If you ever have children, will they be motocross racers?
Yes, whether they like it or not (just kidding…sorta) .
Who do you want to thank?
I’ve been very lucky to have a lot great people supporting me through my first year of racing. First, I’d thank Trail Tours for giving me seat time every single weekend and becoming a lot more confident on a bike. Blair Coulter-Vansickle (#800) for talking me into getting my first race bike, letting me ride with him at his track, and pushing me to ride whenever I didn’t want to (“You won’t get any better if you don’t ride!”). Hayden Lambe (#741) for his constant support and help every single weekend at the track, having confidence in me whenever I felt discouraged (this being my first season, this happened often!) and taking the time to teach and show me a lot of what I know about dirt bikes. Dennis Stapleton for showing me around at the tracks in SoCal and giving me a ton great riding tips that have made me a much better rider. Finally, all my friends and family that came to watch me race!