Out of the Blue: Janice Snively|Presented by Schrader’s
By Jeff McConkey

‘Out of the Blue’ is presented by Schrader’s.
Name: Janice Snively
Birthday: June 28, 1983
Hometown: Delhi, Ontario
Occupation: Registered Nurse in Operating/Emergency room
Number: 796
Bike: YZ125
Race Club: Offroad Ontario, World Enduro Canada
Classes: Women’s A

This week’s ‘Out of the Blue’ column features Delhi, ON rider, Janice Snively|Rose Le Studio photo
How did you get started in racing?
Actually, I didn’t start racing until after I had my 2 kids. It was something that I always wanted to do for as long as I can remember, so I thought I would give it a try. I started when I was 29 and have been completely hooked ever since!
As a little girl, did you ever expect to be this deep into a sport like motocross?
I always hoped I would be. I grew up around bikes. My dad raced and a lot of my friends had bikes, but I didn’t have one until later. I’ve always loved everything about bikes so it just feels natural.
Do you think motocross is harder for a female to compete in?
No, I don’t think it’s harder for us to compete. I know that perfecting your skills on the bike is really important so you don’t struggle in difficult sections. There is more support now than ever for women riders and I hope it continues to grow as the sport of women’s racing does.

Motocross is a family affair at the Snively household|Rose Le Studio photo
Who is your favourite rider and why?
I admire so many riders it’s hard to choose just one. I would have to say personally, my husband, son and daughter are my favorite riders. Nothing gives me greater joy than riding with my family. And when it comes down to Supercross, hands down it’s Chad Reed. I can’t wait to see what he has written on his pants every week. Wink, wink.
Is there one lady racer out there that you think has paved the way for other girls to be successful in the sport?
Felicia Robichaud. The support from Laminacorr Racing for cross country racers has been phenomenal. Vicky Golden, of course, has been a phenom on the bike and is an inspiration to all women riders to dream big.
What Canadian Pro do you look up to and why?
Hayden Halstead. Hayden and his entire family are so very passionate and supportive of this sport. He has worked extremely hard to make his dreams a reality and no matter what happens in his racing career or life he never stops charging to the top. He’s a super-fun guy and positive role model for kids. Go, HAYDEN!

Janice’s favourite Canadian Pro rider is Hayden Halstead|Rose Le Studio photo
What is your favourite track and why?
Gopher Dunes in Courtland, Ontario, because it’s such a difficult but fun track to ride. I live close to the track so we’re there a lot.
Who is your hero?
My son is my hero. I am amazed to see what he has accomplished already in his short racing career so far. He is a little “dirt squirrel” as someone once said.
What are your goals for this season?
This season, I am focusing on my physical fitness. It’s such an important part of racing and being competitive.
What are your biggest accomplishments?
Every race that I complete I feel is an accomplishment! I raced an enduro with my then 4 year old son which was pretty amazing to ride beside him. I also won the World Enduro Cananda East Coast Women’s cross country championship in 2013.
What is your favourite part about going to the races?
What isn’t there to love about going racing? Once everything is all set up and you meet up with your race family, it’s all good times. My kids play with all the other kids. Everyone watches out for each other. If you need something, someone is always there willing to lend a hand. It’s the greatest sport there is!
What do you like to do when you aren’t racing?
There isn’t a lot of time between riding and racing. If I’m not riding I’m working or taking the kids to their activities. We ride our track at home a lot and also spend a lot of time maintaining our trails.

Is having a husband who rides important to Janice? What do YOU think?|Rose Le Studio photo
Is it important to have a motocross racer as a husband/partner, or just a bonus?
Absolutely! 100% There isn’t anyone else who understands like a racer themselves. We know instinctively what that other is thinking. We have our routines down from pre-race rituals to pitting and equipment preferences. And besides, I don’t know if anyone else could stand how much I love bikes and talk about it all the time!
Can you talk about your children and their riding/racing?
I have 2 children. My 7 almost 8 year old daughter loves riding her quad and has actually shown some interest in riding dirt bikes again as well. My 6 year old son has been riding since he was 18 months old (with training wheels) and racing since he was 4 years old. He is nuts about racing! There is no doubt he will continue racing for years to come. I love watching him ride. He is so fun to watch. He’s always singing or hooting and hollering or putting on a show of some sort.
Who do you want to thank?
I want to thank my husband for putting up with my love of bikes. My in-laws for being the most supportive cheer squad we have. Big thanks to McKee’s Racing, Gopher Dunes Racing, FXR Racing, Cheap tear offs and Strictly MX. Without the support from our sponsors it would be nearly impossible to make it to the races every weekend, so THANK YOU!