Out of the Blue | Hayley Vanderzanden | Presented by Schrader’s
By Jensen Amyotte

Name: Hayley Vanderzanden
Date of Birth: July 14, 1997
Hometown: Fenwick, Ontario
School/Grade or Occupation: Farmer
Race Number: 174
Bike: YZ250F
Race Club: AMO
Classes: Amateur-Ladies B

When not on a dirt bike how do you keep yourself busy?
When i’m not on a dirt bike, I can be found adventuring the outdoors, scuba diving, at the beach on a SeaDoo, or doing some other sort of adventurous, extreme sport. In the winter, I stay busy snowboarding, playing hockey, snowmobiling, and getting back on the bike riding the ice track!
What is your favourite track and why?
Walton is my favourite track because of the size and the amount of different features they have. I love the elevation changes, tight corners, sweeper corners, step ups, etc..
Do you have an pre-moto rituals?
I don’t have any pre-moto rituals, however, as with any sport I’m in, I like to eat healthy and stay hydrated so I feel good, have energy, and have all the nutrients I need to perform.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years, I see myself still riding, and maybe racing. I see myself hitting all the jumps I can’t hit today, and my speed and technique will be so much more advanced. In the coming years, I also hope to have a family with little moto kids. I can’t wait to be a moto mom and ride along side them! I also want to build a better track on our family farm, and have that set up for my friends and me to ride.
If you ever have children will you give them the option to race as well?
100% yes! I wish I started riding/racing dirt bikes when I was younger. I missed out on so many important riding years. I will definitely let my kids ride, and can’t wait to see them excel in the sport.
If you could give 1 piece of advice to a female of any age who wants to start riding, what would it be?
I would tell her to just get a bike and start riding! Get as much seat time as possible, push yourself outside your comfort zone, and don’t be afraid to ask for advice or help. I bought my first bike when I was 21, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Everyone at the track is so kind, and you become part of a motocross family. Everyone is always willing to help out and give tips!

What was your biggest fear when you started riding and how did you overcome it?
My first fear when I started riding was getting on the track to practice with faster riders. I didn’t want to get in their way, and was always scared to ride with other people around me. I had to just push myself, be confident, and remember that everyone started somewhere. I knew I had to get out there and get more seat time in order to become a better rider, and I could only do that by pushing through and putting myself outside my comfort zone.
What was your first race number and how did you choose it?
My race number is 174. My grandpa, dad, and brother all raced/race dirt track cars/trucks, and they were always 74. The number has been a family race number for years.

What are your thoughts on the WMX Triple Crown series?
I love watching the WMX Triple Crown series! I hope to one day be able to ride as well as those ladies. You can tell they’ve put in so much time, effort, and practice to get to where they are at now. It’s amazing what these top female riders can do!
What do you like to do in the off season?
In the off season, I change my tires to ice tires and rip around the canal in my area with a bunch of other riders! Ice riding is such an amazing feeling, and the tires have so much more grip than you would think. It’s a great way to keep your moto skills up during the off season. I also love to snowboard, snowmobile, and play hockey.

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