Out of the Blue | Hannah Cole | Presented by Schrader’s
By Jensen Amyotte

Name: Hannah Cole
Date of Birth: February 3rd 2006
Hometown: Elmsdale, Nova Scotia
School Grade: 9
Race Number: 18
Bike: Husquvarna 85, KTM 85
Race Club: Callus racing series, Atlantic Motocross
Classes: Supermini & Ladies

Who/ what inspired you to get into the sport of motocross?
My older brother has definitely inspired me to start racing. He had always been riding so I wanted to be just like him. He has always pushed me to be better and always tries to help me when he can. Everytime we ride together we push each other to be better.
From your first ride to where you are now, what is something you never thought you would be able to overcome but did?
One thing that I have overcome is jumping. I never thought I would be doing the size jumps that I do today. They have always intimidated me. I never liked the idea of being in the air. Since then, I have gotten a lot faster and want to be competitive in the Supermini and Women’s class around our hometown.

Who has been your biggest inspiration on and off the track?
My biggest inspiration is 100% my dad. He has believed in me since day 1, even when I didn’t believe in myself. He has always inspired me to do my best and always have fun. If you weren’t smiling and having fun then we were packing up and going home. He’s taught me to always work hard for your goals and that nothing is just handed to you. He has definitely helped me a lot along the way.
Do you see yourself ever competing on the Canadian WMX Triple Crown Series?
For the past couple years we have talked about racing in the Triple Crown Series. We never really made it happen because I am still riding a Supermini and with COVID my family wasn’t able to travel. In the coming years I am hoping to be able to compete in the women’s nationals.
What is the biggest lesson that motocross has taught you so far?
I think one of the biggest lessons that motocross has taught me is don’t be afraid to ask for help. Around home we have some pro guys that are really nice and always willing to help out to grow the sport. Having them around makes it pretty easy to get help with finding faster ways around the track.

What was your first race number and how did you choose it?
My first race number was 18 and I still ride with this number. When I was first getting into motocross my dad raced street bikes and he was number 8 and my brother’s number was 28 so I decided I wanted to have a number that went with theirs.
What kind of track do you feel you excel at the most?
I think I ride best at a track with softer dirt. I like when tracks have lots of different deep ruts in the corners, for sure. I also really like sand tracks. We have one really nice sand track in Nova Scotia that we like to go ride at.
What do you like to do in the off season?
During the winter we would usually head down to Florida for a month or so to train. The past year we weren’t able to go because of restrictions and not being able to cross the border. We hope to get down there and train again next year!

If you could give 1 piece of advice to a female of any age who wants to start riding, what would it be?
Always have fun! Motocross can be so much fun and if it isn’t fun then you shouldn’t ride. Always have fun when you’re riding cause if you’re not having fun doing something then you should find something else to do.
Who would you like to thank?
I would like to thank my sponsors: Pro Cycle, Factory Connection, FMF, Hinson, Motoseat, Atlas Brace and GNS Equipment Rentals.

Way to go Hannah! Hope to see you race this summer if I’m able to visit.