Out of the Blue: Frede Forest
By Jeff McConkey
Name: Frede Forest
Birthday: August 10th, 1993
Hometown: St-Urbain Premier, Quebec
School & Grade or Occupation: Seller at Generation Sport, Kawasaki-BRP dealer.
Number: 666
Bike: YZ125 2015
Race Club : AMXQ, FMSQ, GNCC
Classes: Women AMXQ, Women Intermediaries FMSQ, Women Amateur GNCC

Lets get to know Frede Forest. – @Laurie Lacoste photo
How did you get started in racing?
My whole family was racing but I was too scared to try so I always preferred to watch them and take pictures. Then I started to work for the FMSQ association in 2013 and I told myself I had to try that sport so I bought a Honda CR125 and did only 2 races at the end of the season. The summer after, I raced Endurocross and finished 6th in all my races. Then I decide to try a MX race at the end of last summer and I finished third so I’m now more focused on MX races.
As a little girl, did you ever expect to be this deep into a sport like motocross?
I always knew I’d be soinvolved in the sport because all my siblings have raced since they were very young. One of my sisters raced women Pro in ATV, my brother was Pro in MX until a huge crash, and my father raced Endurocross and MX all over North America.
Do you think motocross is harder for a female to compete in?
I think no matter the gender, it’s very hard to stay competitive in nowadays.

Whether you’re male or female, Frede says it’s tough to compete these days. – @Pierre Chamberland photo
Who is your favourite rider and why?
My favourite rider is
Ashley Fiolek. I think she’s very strong even if she’s deaf. I can’t imagine doing a race without this sense, I’m always listening to my engine and riders behind me.
Is there one lady racer out there that you think has paved the way for other girls to be successful in the sport? Eve Brodeur for sure. She’s very fast, has a good technique, practices a lot and shows us it’s possible to be successfull in this sport, even against the boys.
What Canadian Pro do you look up to and why?
Even if I love MX and know how it’s hard sometimes, I admire P
hilippe Chainé in Endurocross. I can’t believe sometimes how fast this guy can ride his bike in those tracks’ conditions.
What is your favourite track and why?
I really love Franklin Motosport. The owners and employees work very hard to improve the track every year. Around the world, I would say
Jimmy Weinert Training Facility.
Who is your hero?
My hero is my dad. He had a big crash 3 years ago. He had a face-to-face with a rider who was riding the wrong way on the track. He had an open fracture of his right hand and doctors said he needs to stop the sport. But the year after he was already on his bike, racing with 50+ in Endurocross and veterans in MX.
What are your goals for this season?
It will be my first year ever in MX so I would like to finish top 3 in women B, AMXQ. I would like to finish top 10 in women Intermediaries in FMSQ too.
What are your biggest accomplishment’s?
I didn’t win a races yet but I’m proud to always gave 100% in my races and training. I went alone to Jimmy Weinert Training Facility this winter and that’s the most important thing they teach you, to always give our best.
What is your favourite part about going to the races?
I love everything about the races. The moment I leave home with my van and bike behind I start to feel free and excited. I particularly like the moment I do the holeshot with my 2-strokes.

From the minute Frede leaves her house, she loves everything about moto. – @Mylene Rochon photo
What do you like to do when you aren’t racing?
I love to work and being busy. 6 days a week you can find me at the dealer I work at and if I’m not riding I’m still probably at the track taking pictures of working at Franklin Motosport.
Is it important to have a motocross racer as a boyfriend/husband, or just a bonus?
I think it’s a necessity. Maybe he can just ride not race but at least he needs to understand the sport.
If you ever have children, will they be motocross racers?
I will never push my kids to race if they don’t really want to but if they don’t like motocross then I will sell them (It’s just a joke).
Who do you want to thank?
First of all I want to thank my dad for helping me continue in this amazing sport. I would like to thank my second family too at Generation Sport who help me a lot and got me a great sponsorship from FXR Racing this season. I can’t forget to thank Marc Robidoux and Lucien Caggiano from Franklin Motosport and Evo suspension. Finally, thank you to my crazy friends Kiwi 525, Mylene 550 and Joanie 18 – races would not be the same without you.