Out of the Blue | Francesca Nocera | Presented by Schrader’s
By Jensen Amyotte

Name: Francesca Nocera
Date of Birth: Oct 23, 1993
Hometown: Bergamo, Italy
Grade or Occupation: ATLETH
Race Number: 427
Bike: Honda CRF 250

Who/what inspired you to get into the sport of motocross and how long have you been racing/riding?
I started riding MX when I was 10 years old, my father bought me a bike. At the beginning it was just and hobby but after my first injury after few years that took me away for 9 months I realized that I want to try become a pro rider and come back stronger than ever. So, with the amazing support of my family at the beginning, I did it!
When not on a dirt bike how do you keep yourself busy? Are you involved in any other sports or extracurricular activities?
Normally it’s full days of training! When I’m not riding I have 2 or 3 workouts a day. But now riding enduro I’m more on the bike.

As a racer, are there any obstacles you feel a female racer has to deal with that maybe a male racer does not?
Few years ago was more difficult, but now is getting better. We are really able to ride a bike the same as the boys!
Who is your all-time favourite rider and why?
Honestly, I have no favourite rider.
What is your favourite track and why?
My favourite track is Arco di Trento. I like the track a lot and I have some special memories … I got my first world champ podium!
What event do you look forward to most every year, one you don’t ever want to miss?
I never want to miss any world champ races.

Do you have any pre-moto rituals?
I normally start by putting on my left sock first.
Tell us about your 2021 race season and your plans for 2022.
From 2018 to 2021 I didn’t race that much. I was fighting with cancer for a few years and due to an operation and therapy I couldn’t ride. Then when I come back on the bike I had an injury on my elbow and I was out for 7 month. I came back on the bike in January and my preparation for the enduro world champ was going pretty well, but unfortunately I had just started riding and I dislocated my shoulder. I need surgery so I will be out again for a few months. I feel lucky but sometimes I really would like to have more lucky on my side!
What are your biggest accomplishments to date?
I was twice on the WMX podiums, 3 times European nations champ, and 5 times Italian champ. But not one trophy can replace the feeling I have every time riding my bike. I’m happy with the woman I am today. I was dreaming of this life when I was a young girl.
What is the biggest lesson that motocross racing/off-road has taught you so far?
The biggest lesson is to never give up! MX made my character stronger and that’s why I was able to not give up during many tough times in my life.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself still riding a bike…hopefully, with some kids!
Are there any females out there who you feel have paved the way for other girls to be successful in motocross or off road?
I honestly think every girl riding has paved the way all in different ways. With that said, I believe the level of skill women are achieving can make WMX more interesting for everyone.
What kind of track/dirt do you feel you excel at most and why?
I like hardpack but also sand, however, I feel most comfortable on hardpack tracks.
If you ever have children will you give them the option to race as well?
Sure! But only if it’s what they want.

If you could give 1 piece of advice to a female of any age who wants to start riding what would it be?
My advice is that it is important to learn as much technique as possible on the bike.
What was your first fear when you started riding and how did you overcome it?
I was a crazy girl (haha) in a good way! When you are young you almost have no fear. Honestly, I can’t remember what I was afraid of!
What was your first race number and how did you choose it?
My first number was 116. No reason for it. It was the only one free in the world champ. I chose it with my dad. Then for enduro I chose 427… it is the date when my nephew was born.
Do you see yourself ever competing in the Canadian WMX Triple Crown series?
I have never been there, but if a day there is a possibility, why not?!

What do you like to do in the off season?
Normally, I stop for a week and I like to stay home and have time with my family and friends.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I would like to be a woman who leaves a strong positive impact on women’s motocross.
Who would you like to thank?
I would like to thank my family first, my sponsors, my team and everyone supporting me. And also thanks to Jensen Amyotte for this interview.

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