Out of the Blue | Farrah Harding | Brought to You by Schrader’s
By Jensen Amyotte

Name: Farrah Harding
Date of Birth: Feb 16, 2010
Hometown: Meaford, ON
Grade: 7
Race Number: 966
Bike: 2022 YZ85
Race Series: AMO & Off-Road Ontario
Classes: Women’s Novice Off-Road Ontario
Girls (9-16) & Ladies B Amateur Motocross Ontario

Who/what inspired you to get into the sport of off-road/motocross and how long have you been racing/riding?
My dad and family friend, Dennis Knott, got me riding trails and the motocross track. I started riding when I was 5 and racing when I was 8. My very first race was an enduro and after the site lap I was ready to call it quits. I was sitting in our dirt bike trailer covered in sweat with a bright red face from working so hard and feeling completely exhausted. I remembering thinking I don’t want to do this. That’s when Kyle Bichard (an expert level cross-country racer) came and encouraged me to get back out there and give it a try. I ended up winning the peewee race that day.
From that day forward, I gained confidence and learned to work hard and believe in myself. Since then, Kyle has been an inspiration in my riding; he’s always there with coaching tips and support.
As a racer, are there any obstacles you feel a female racer has to deal with that maybe a male racer does not?
I feel there are more race classes available to males and would love to see more ladies classes out there.
From your first ride to where you are now, what is something you never thought you would be able to overcome but have?
Hitting jumps. I started riding on a Honda CRF50F and I didn’t even know jumping was a thing. Once I saw riders hitting jumps I knew I wanted to hit them too. I’ve worked hard and cased many jumps along the way but now things are starting to click and I’m hitting some jumps.
Who is your all-time favourite rider and why?
My older sister, Shalyn. She has been my motivation and pushed me to become a better rider. I look up to her and hope to be a rider like her someday.
What is your favourite track and why?
MotoPark, hands down. I love that there can be all different riding consistencies: chocolate cake, dry & hard packed, rutted or sandy… It’s a great track to train on. Oh, and they have some pretty sick jumps.
Who has been your biggest inspiration/hero on and off the track?
My dad and my older sister, Shalyn.

What is the biggest lesson that motocross racing/ off-road has taught you so far?
To never give up. Anything can happen in a race, keep pushing my hardest till I cross the fingers line. This is the same in life, never give up.
I have a personal experience to share. It was the last race of my 2021 Off-Road Ontario championships, I was on track to take 3rd place overall in the series. My race started out great, we had a live engine start at the gates, which normally we have dead engine in off-road, so that was a fun change up. I had a good start and 2 laps in I was in position for the 3rd OA. That’s when it happened.
I came in hot to a corner and ended up falling on a round bail. Unfortunately for me, this round bail was inhabited with a wasp nest. The swarm was not happy and immediately I was under attack. They were in my helmet, under my jersey and chest protector…. I was screaming and waving my arms around. People started running towards me to help and then once they realized I was under attack they all told me to run and get your helmet off.
I ran and took both my helmet and jersey off. There was one very brave young man named Spencer Ketchabaw. He went right into the swarm and suffered dozens of stings. He wanted to get my dirt bike back for me, just in case I was able to continue the race. There was another family that helped me as well and they too suffered many wasp stings.
I had been stung on my scalp, stomach, arms…The medics looked me over, gave me benadryl and watched my breathing. All I could think was that I wanted to finish the race. The possibility of finishing the season in 3rd place was now lost. However, I did want to finish the season knowing that I gave it my all.
I did get back out there for the last 2 laps and to this day I still feel so proud of myself. I didn’t give up and I learned that pushing my hardest is the ultimate prize. I still have some scars from the wasp stings, when I look at them I smile. Thank you to everyone that helped me that day.
Are there any females out there who you feel have paved the way for other girls to be successful in motocross or off road?
All of us female dirt bikers pave the way. We motivate and inspire one another. Every time a rider goes out of her way to share encouraging words, fist bump, ride her best…. those are the building stones that lead to success.

If you ever have children will you give them the option to race as well?
Yes, I will let my future children start riding when they’re young and hope they have a passion for racing.
If you could give 1 piece of advice to a female of any age who wants to start riding what would it be?
Make sure you’re having fun. My sisters and I started out riding at the Knott’s Wednesday Night Ride Club and then we also hosted several girl ride nights to help build one another’s confidence and have fun on our bikes together.
Do you see yourself ever competing in the Canadian WMX Triple Crown series?
I would absolutely love the opportunity to compete. I realize I would need a lot of help and support from my family, coaches and sponsors to make that possible.
What do you like to do in the off season?
I enjoy snowmobiling on the OFSC trails and down hill skiing at Blue Mountain with my friends and family.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Well, I’m 12 years old and at this point I’d like to be a fast dirt biker. My sisters would say I’m going to be a paramedic when I grow up.
Who would you like to thank?
My dad & mom for believing in me and cheering me on. Dennis Knott, Kyle Bichard, Spencer Ough, RJ Roy and all the staff at MotoPark for inspiring and coaching me. My sponsors for getting behind me and helping make racing possible: BET Brian Edwards Transfer, D&D Moto, FXR Racing, McKee Racing, MD Distributions, OG Optics & Zwarts Topsoil and Landscaping.

Well Done Farrah ! Great article and I love hearing about your future ambitions. I remember the wasps….you’re a determined girl Farrah to overcome all those stings. I love that you are inspired by Shalyn and your Dad and ultimately that family is so important to you
Love you Farrah. Poppa and I are proud of you . Ride safe and ride smart.
Love Grandma