Sponsored by Troy Lee Designs

Sponsored by Troy Lee Designs


Name: Dominique Daffe

Birthday: September 25th, 1991

Hometown: Calgary, AB

School & Grade or Occupation: Motocross Apparel sales / Student

Number: 7 (for 2015) 925 normally

Bike: 2015 Yamaha YZ250F

Race Club: AMSA Southern Alberta Series, CMRC Rockstar Energy Women’s Nationals

Classes: Ladies A, Junior


Let's get to know Alberta rider Dominique Daffe.  | Bigwave photo

Let’s get to know Alberta rider Dominique Daffe. | Bigwave photo


How did you get started in racing?

I actually grew up riding out in the bush with my dad and brother, and my dad got me into racing Hare Scrambles. I started going to the track every once in a while with some of the off-road crew and really took a liking to motocross, so I made the switch, and that was about 4 years ago!


As a little girl, did you ever expect to be this deep into a sport like motocross?

Not at all. Like I said above, I grew up off-road riding. I actually didn’t even ride THAT much. I liked the family atmosphere and loved camping weekends. I never imagined that I would be following the Canadian Nationals across Canada or even racing Women’s nationals and earning a top ten number. I love it though. I feel very fortunate to be a part of this sport racing and riding with awesome people and I’m happy I got into it.


Do you think motocross is harder for a female to compete in?

Yes and no. Yes because of the lack of support.. although I have to say it is really good to see how much more attention Women’s motocross is getting, at least in Canada! It can also be kind of intimidating racing with the boys. They don’t care there’s a girl around them on the track, they just want to win. And being female, we are naturally not as aggressive so that can be tough, at least for me. I say no as well because there are ladies classes available in every series I have ever come across. We also aren’t AS hard on bikes as the guys so we can keep the cost down when it comes to bike maintenance making it a little bit more affordable to go racing.


Who is your favourite rider and why?

I like a few riders but I always have to go with James Stewart. Even with all the crap he’s dealt with this year, even if he brought it on himself, the guy stays positive. At least for the camera. I like (Ryan) Dungey, (Trey) Canard and Malcolm Stewart for the same reasons. They just keep going, no matter what!


Is there one lady racer out there that you think has paved the way for other girls to be successful in the sport?

Well, I’m going to be a follower on this one and say Ashley Fiolek – you know why! But I gotta give a mention toHannah Hodges. I watched her at Monster Cup this year and I’m blown away. She’s got talent and seeing her line up with the boys for an event like that is really cool to see. I think she’s going to contribute big time to women’s mx and definitely be another moto chick to look up to!


What Canadian Pro do you look up to and why?

I will always say Jared Petruska. I know Jared better than I will ever know any other Pro for one. Secondly, he double-classed it in Moncton and earned points in all four motos, all because he didn’t get any points the weekend before. He always pushes through the struggles and I look up to him because I see first-hand how this sport affects us mentally and he’s taught me so much. I give props to all of the privateers actually, thumbs up to all of you!


What is your favourite track and why?

Cahuilla Creek in SoCal. Just the layout of it, the sand, I just really like it. It’s flow-ey and I never have a bad day there!


Who is your hero?

Ronnie Mac. (Laughs) I look up to a lot of people in this industry, including wmx riders. So this is a tough one to answer.


What are your goals for next season?

I would really like to make it to all the Southern Alberta races as I haven’t been able to do that ever! For Nationals, a top 5 at least at one round would be awesome too and maybe even overall but mostly I just want to have fun and keep improving. Jared and I are going to be taking possession of our house around the time that Nationals start up, so it might be a bit hectic but I have a new bike and am really looking forward to an awesome 2015 season!


Dominique would like to get herself a top 5 finish in 2015.  | Bigwave photo

Dominique would like to get herself a top 5 finish in 2015. | Bigwave photo


What are your biggest accomplishments?

Getting the number 10 plate for 2014 and the most improved rider award was a big one for me. I worked pretty hard that year and it was my first full national series, so I was pumped. I’m excited about number 7 too though!!


What is your favourite part about going to the races?

As much as I love racing, I LOVE watching racing. I really like to see the little ones go out and I especially like to watch the pros. Seeing familiar faces is nice too, it’s always good to catch up with everyone!


What do you like to do when you aren’t racing?

Jet skiing, hot yoga, mountain biking, going to the gym, anything really. Last winter we studded up our tires and rode at the track a few times. Definitely recommend it to everyone!! Forget about the cold weather part, I strongly dislike being cold, but I loved winter riding!


Is it important to have a motocross racer as a boyfriend/husband, or just a bonus?

Bonus. It was important to me though because I love being able to share something I’m so passionate about with someone else that is also passionate about it. BUT, if Jared wasn’t into motocross, I would still love him  (I know – awwee HAH) It helps that we can ride and train together for sure, but I think he would support me even if he didn’t because that’s just how he is!


If you ever have children, will they be motocross racers?

My dad always said, “The family that rides together sticks together!!” But as nice as that would be, I wouldn’t force my kid into anything he/she didn’t want to do. I hope so, but who knows!


Who do you want to thank?

I have to thank Todd at Bow Cycle North for helping me out so much this past season. And of course, Jared. Helping me out on race days while also getting ready for his own racing the following day, motivating me, pushing me on and off the track, being my mechanic, and my ultimate supporter, and also putting up with me after bad motos, can’t thank him enough! Huge thanks to Derek Saleem with Connect One Utilities, Greg Tetz with Mark7 Designs, Yamaha Motor Canada, Troy Lee Designs, Don Ellis from Pro Action Suspension, Pro Circuit, Chad from Oakley, Sosa Original, Ron Newman and Jared’s family for all of their help as well. Also big thanks to Denaye and Camille for making our series so much fun to race and be a part of! Cheers!