Out of the Blue | Dee Waite | Presented by Schrader’s
By Jensen Amyotte

Name: Dee Waite
Date of Birth: January 29, 1995
Hometown: Wooler, Ontario
Occupation: Employee at Cascades Containerboard Packaging
Race Number: 11
Bike: 2021 YZ 250 F
Race Club: BTB Riders Club
Classes: Ladies

Who got you into the sport?
My dad really got me interested in the sport. I didn’t come from a family that rode or raced but my dad took me to my first Supercross when I was 13 and that’s when I really took an interest.
When not on a dirt bike how do you keep yourself busy?
My fiancé and I live on a farm so that keeps us busy. We have a few animals and I’ve owned and ridden horses my whole life. When I’m not riding my dirt bike, I’m usually out riding my horses, working around our farm and spending time with my family.
When you first got into the sport what was it that intimidated you the most? How did you overcome it?
I got into the sport just over a year ago and I bought my first bike, at the time a TTR 230. I always wanted to buy one and learn but as I got older I thought I was “too old” to start learning. It was very intimidating to just get out and ride with people and on tracks because I knew nothing. I was lucky to have good supportive people around me to help me and cheer me on and that’s how I got comfortable riding and progressed. I just had to get out there and ride.

If you could give 1 piece of advice to a woman of any age who wants to start riding, what would it be?
You are never too old! That the first ride is always the hardest and after that it gets easier and you start having a lot of fun.
Who is your all-time favourite rider?
Chad Reed.
Which kind of dirt do you feel you excel at riding in most?
I feel a clay sand mix. I’m definitely getting more comfortable and challenging myself to ride in different dirt.
Is there an event you look forward to most every year?
Right now, just to be able to ride at our club! Hoping to be able to do a race series but even to get out on a practice day would be awesome. All the public tracks are closed due to COVID-19 right now.
Who has been your biggest inspiration/hero on and off the track?
There have been so many! I have an amazing group of supporters. If I have to narrow it down I would say my fiancé for supporting me and dealing with me being gone most weekends to ride. And my coaches! Matt Young coached me my first year in 2020 and really gave me a good outlook and respect for the sport, and this year Jamie Mason is coaching me and he really inspires me to keep putting in the work and do the best I can do. Both Matt and Jamie are incredibly talented riders. They push me and support me to do the best I can do, ride safely and have fun. I have learned so much from them.

Tell us about your 2020 season and your plans for 2021.
2020 was my first season and an amazing one. I did a race series on my TTR 230 which isn’t the ideal race bike but I entered the Ladies Class and to my surprise did very well. I ended placing third in points at the end of the year.
2021 has been great. I traded my TTR in on a YZ 250f which I am loving. My plans are to keep putting the work in, learn my bike, ride faster, better and safer every time and hopefully do a few races.
What are your biggest accomplishments to date?
Definitely getting third in points last year with only a few months of riding experience. Every chance I got I was out putting laps in and it felt amazing to see that hard work pay off.
What is the biggest lesson that being involved in motorsports has taught you so far?
To take care of your body and not to ride tired or get too confident. It’s so easy to get injured and that anyone can ride a dirt bike but not everyone can do it safely. I try and remind myself of that before I ride and to just keep my head clear to make good choices for myself and those riding with me. We are there to learn, have fun and not get hurt.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Just having fun and enjoying the seat time. I see myself continuing to grow and get better and hopefully getting my nieces and nephews into the sport.
Are there any sponsors or people you would like to thank?
I’m so lucky to have such a great group of friends to ride with! I wanna thank everyone from our gang. My family, especially my sister who is my number one fan. My best friend and photographer Kylie Cox and of course the amazing people who sponsored me this year: Victory Trophy, Apex Graphcis, Lux Paint Works and Jamie Mason Coaching.

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