Out of the Blue | Cindy Trudel | Presented by Schrader’s
By Jensen Amyotte

Name: Cindy Trudel
Date of Birth: Oh god…. in 1978
Hometown: Saint-Colomban, Qc
Occupation: Electrical method engineering at Airbus Canada
Race Number: 818
Bike: KX250 2020
Race Club: MRC
Classes: WMX and veteran

Who got you into the sport of motocross?
I started motocross very late at age 25. My brother, Dany, had been doing MX and Endurocross races for a long time but I didn’t see a girl doing it, so I never realized I could do it too. So I decided for myself to buy my first bike in 2004.
When not on a dirt bike how do you keep yourself busy?
With my little family, I have a very busy schedule. Between work, my 2 children’s activities and my husband’s hobbies, I try to find time to train. There isn’t much time left for the rest.
As a racer, are there any obstacles you feel a female racer has to deal with that maybe a male racer does not?
Girls are generally weaker physically than men. Spectators usually prefer to watch the men’s races because they are faster. However, our sport has evolved a lot in recent years, the girls train hard, they are very skillful and impressive to watch. The girls started to be more seriously sponsored in the years 2005-2007 and since then we are making our way more and more, although I believe that today it is easier to stand out as girls with the help of sponsors.

Who is your all-time favourite rider?
What impresses me the most are the many talented girls that I have had the chance to meet on the starting grid over the years, but we must not forget girls like Heidi Cooke and Jolene Van Vugt who have cleared the road and who are outstanding figures in Canadian Women’s Motocross.
What is your favourite track and why?
Omg, it’s hard to say. I like several. I generally like sand tracks … but not big deep sand ones like Gopher Dunes. To just choose one, I would say Deschambault, the track and the facilities are so great.
What event do you look forward to most every year? One you don’t ever want to miss?
For the snow in Quebec to melt as quickly as possible so that I can get the bike out and have fun. Now I only do the events that I like the most, the national ones! Each of them are fun and create great memories.
Who has been your biggest inspiration/hero on and off the track?
Definitely my parents! They are examples of wisdom, kindness and perseverance for me as well as for my children.

Tell us about your 2019 race season and what your plans are for 2020.
2019 was difficult for me following a broken foot in the spring. My national results were therefore disappointing but I still finished the season strong with a 3rd place at the Olympic Stadium.
For 2020, I trained hard again to succeed and fight against the young girls in shape in my category. Over the years I have to train harder and harder to keep up the pace and get good results. So I’m focusing on doing everything I can to make a top 10 in the women’s national this year.
What are your biggest accomplishments to date?
Of course, I’m proud of the championships I’ve won in Endurocross, Motocross and against men (6 in total). But what I’m most proud of is being able to manage my family life and continue to perform well in my passion despite my age.
What is the biggest lesson that motocross racing/ off-road has taught you so far?
Motocross teaches us many life lessons. That’s one of the reasons I introduced my kids to this sport. Take care of their physical and mental health. Courage, determination, ambition and resilience. Concentration, focus, reflexes and quick decision making. Humility, compassion and patience. But above all, motocross is about meeting good, passionate and amazing people.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Riding a bike relaxed with my children. If they want to do more of course, no pressure, no obligation.
Who would you like to thank?
Definitely my amazing husband, without him nothing would be possible. He’s been behind me for so many years, in my victories, my losses and my injuries. Thank you also to our good friend Claude Morand who taught me everything about motocross and who is always there to help me with the mechanics of my bikes. Thank you to my many loyal sponsors for several years: Kawasaki Canada, Moto Falardeau, Hoosier tires, Kimpex, Nivek Graphic. Thanks to life to have surrounded me with amazing people, my family, my friends and two wonderful children, Theo and Charlotte, whom I am so proud of.