Out of the Blue | Brooklyn Banks | Brought to You by Schrader’s

Name: Brooklyn Banks
Date of Birth: February 10, 2007
Hometown: Charlie Lake, BC
Race Number: 81
Bike: 2023 YZ 125
Race Club: Peace Motocross Association
Classes: Ladies, MX2 Novice

When not on a dirt bike, how do you keep yourself busy? Are you involved in any other sports or extracurricular activities?
If I’m not on the bike I like to workout, go hunting and fishing, cooking, horseback riding, making edits for my photography account, and hanging out with friends. I tried playing volleyball for a couple years but realized it wasn’t really my thing, so now I just stick to dirt bikes.
From your first ride to where you are now what is something you never thought you would be able to overcome but have?
I never thought I’d start jumping, I was always terrified of the double and step-up at the Taylor track even the hills in Chetwynd. I always thought it was cool to watch my friends hit the big jumps and just sail through the air. This year I overcame my fear and cleared the double and started to try clearing the step-up.

What is your favourite track and why?
I have two favourites, the first one is Chetywnd. I like how big the track is and the layout of the track. The race they hosted this year was absolutely awesome. My other favourite is Grande Prairie. It’s a cool track to ride and watch. I’m hoping to travel to Calgary and Kamloops to try riding their tracks!
Who has been your biggest inspiration/hero on and off the track?
There are many people who inspire me on and off the track, such as my uncle Adam. He’s the person who can make you smile after a bad moto, or make you laugh till you can’t breathe on the gate. He’s saved my butt multiple times on the track; every time I took dirt samples he was right there to lend a hand. He’s always on the side of the track cheering everyone on. The best part is he’s so loud you can hear him over the bikes.

What are your plans for this upcoming season? Any specific events you’re looking forward to?
I’m really looking forward to the 2024 season because I just bumped up onto a big bike. I’m hoping to be able to place in the top 6 for all my classes, but I’m really looking forward to going down to WCAN. My family and I went last year and it was absolutely amazing to watch, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to race the WMX.
What was your first fear when you started riding and how did you overcome it?
I was scared of a lot of things when I started riding, like wheeling over backwards during my starts, which I’ve done multiple times, but what scared me the most was being on the track with the big bikes. I would always wait until everyone left the track so I could go riding without being scared of the bigger bikes or what people thought. Over the years I’ve gotten better and now love riding with the big bikes because I like trying to keep up with them, and all my friends are on bigger bikes. As weird as it sounds, I feel more comfortable on my 125 than I ever did on my 85.

Do you see yourself ever competing in the Canadian WMX Triple Crown series?
Yes, hopefully in 2024. I always wanted to race it. I would watch it on YouTube or last year I got to watch it in person and it was super cool. I wanted to get Eve (Brodeur) and Malia (Garant) to sign my hat or something but chickened out. I would love to ride with all those amazing ladies who kick butt!
Who would you like to thank?
First off, I would like to thank my mom and dad for taking me to the track and helping me reach my goals, my close friend’s Drew and Carter for giving me tips to help me improve my riding, and my uncle Adam for helping me when I crash and when I need help with my bike off the track. I’d also like to thank Jason and Sarah Leask with Crazy Pine Racing, HRH MX Performance, Meeshfit, FSJ HI Performance, SRS Industries, Tremblay Trucking, Nana and Papa and Three Demons Photography. I’m super grateful for the love and support I’ve got from people.

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