Out of the Blue | Amy Roy | Presented by Schrader’s
By Jeff McConkey
Name: Amy Roy
Birthday: February 27, 2002
Hometown: Rimouski, Quebec
School & Grade: 2 Secondary, Langevin
Number: 724
Bike: KTM 150 sx
Race Club: SXQC
Classes: Open Ladies

This week, ‘Out of the Blue’ features Amy Roy | Olivier Lavoie photo
How did you get started in racing?
I was going to race with my father and my brother, and then after some repetition I felt like trying my turn. So they encouraged me to do so and it is this season I did my debut.
As a little girl, did you ever expect to be this deep into a sport like motocross?
Yes, because since I was young, I am in this world. My parents were snowmobile racers and always brought me with them. In addition, they work all the two in a motorcycle shop and snowmobiles. I think to stay long in this world and I really love extreme sports.
Do you think motocross is harder for a female to compete in?
On one hand I think so, because physical strength is really different. Men are stronger and taller than women so that the bike is much heavier for the ladies. The conduct of men and woman is completely different. Often, the boys are much faster and jump higher than us women.
Who is your favourite rider and why?
I would say Karl Normand because he is a very consistent driver and really fast whatever the circuit. Besides being friendly, he is always ready to help people to make them better. This is a driver that usually ends on the highest step of the podium and that’s why this year, he carries the plate #1. He also sometimes help, it is partly thanks to him that I’m improving as much.
Is there one lady racer out there that you think has paved the way for other girls to be successful in the sport?
Each of us has discovered her passion in a different way. Personally, it does not give me a girl like to try but my family since my parents own the garage Arctic Cat at Rimouski and they sell a KTM motocross .
What Canadian Pro do you look up to and why?
I watch a lot Karl Norman and Tim Tremblay. They are two professional riders fighting for the first place on the podium at every race! I see them almost every race and seeing them inspires me more!
What is your favourite track and why?
I have not run on a wide variety of track but that of my city, Rimouski, I love it because it’s really technical and it allows us to try lots of new things while keeping our pace of learning!
Who is your hero?
As I said earlier, I would say Karl Normand because he’s an experienced pilot and above all, a winner. I see him practicing to improve and win then it inspires me a lot!
What are you goals for this season?
For now, I’m first in Arenacross Championship Series SXQC. We still have not a lot of running and would definitely keep my first position. Then, racing out will begin, I’d like to finish more on the top step of the podium.

Amy finished first in the SXQC series | Edouard Castonguay photo
What are your biggest accomplishments?
My first place in the championship SXQC
What is your favourite part about going to the races?
I love the moments of stress when we advance to go to the gate. I also like the feeling of putting on my motocross clothes and tell me that I’ll make a run. And when the departure is given, the fun begins!
What do you like to do when you aren’t racing?
I practice several sports, such as basketball and baseball. I am on two baseball teams and go to the Quebec Games in basketball. I have to practice a lot, so when I have time, I make the motocross. I never get bored!
Is it important to have a motocross racer as a boyfriend, or just a bonus?
My boyfriend [has been] doing motocross since his young age. I appreciate the fact that he practices the same sport as me because he can help me and advise me when I need it. But this is not an obligation, as my brother, Charles Edouard Roy, also practice motocross and helps me a lot. He advises me a lot and always pushes me to persevere when it’s [not] going so well. So it is just a bonus.

Amy’s hero is fellow Quebec motocrosser, Karl Normand | Edouard Castonguay photo
If you ever have children, will they be motocross racers?
Yes, I would like my children try this sport, since the feeling of being on a bike that is completely crazy. But the urge to try a motocross is not given to everyone. Just the sound that comes out of the little motocross removes the taste someone to board it. [Of course], I will do for my children try this beautiful sport.
Who do you want to thank?
I would like to thank my parents, Shirley Tardif and Charles Roy, because it is through them that I own my motocross and I presented to each race. That’s a lot of investment. They took a long time to help me persevere and to participate in each race throughout the weekend and especially it is a lot of investment for them. Thank you very much! Then I would like to thank Karl Normand, a professional motocross gives me a lot of advice and take a lot of time for me. I truly appreciate it. Also, Marc Viel, the father of a rider 50cc and 65cc classes. He is always there to help me, especially with my bike on my choice of gates and especially when it’s going so well. I would also like to thank my brother, Charles Edouard Roy. Whenever I practice, he is there to advise me, pushing me to always go further, makes me really discover what art as motocross. And finally, my friends who are always there to encourage me and my sponsor Junior Mechanical.