Out of the Blue: Amiee Carter
By Jeff McConkey
Name: Amiee Carter
Birthday: February 16th, 1997
Hometown: Leduc, AB
School & Grade or Occupation: Attending grade 12 at Star Catholic Outreach and Working at Honda Extreme as a parts technician
Number: 216
Bike: 2012 CRF250R
Race Club: AMSA Southern Alberta Series, CMRC Rockstar Energy Women’s Nationals
Classes: Ladies A, Junior
How did you get started in racing?
My mom got remarried to Pat Shannon who used to race quads competitively in the CMRC series. My mom started taking me with her to watch him race and I always got confused and upset when they told me I wasn’t racing. One day they gave me the opportunity and I fell in love with the sport from day one.
As a little girl, did you ever expect to be this deep into a sport like motocross?
As a little girl, from my first race until today, my passion for the sport has only continued to increase every year. I have dreamed to be at this point in motocross, and I believe that my passion for this sport and the support from my parents has helped me get me where I am today. I still believe I can push further with dedication and hard work.
Do you think motocross is harder for a female to compete in?
Yes, absolutely it is harder, not only physically and mentally, but support for sponsorship is few and far between. It is a constant battle for recognition in the ladies class.
Who is your favourite rider and why?
Chad Reed! Well, everyone knows how good-looking he is, but for all he has accomplished over the years even when his parents didn’t agree with him, he still went and proved his parents wrong. Through the ups and downs he has gone through he still gets back up and puts his heart into racing.
Is there one lady racer out there that you think has paved the way for other girls to be successful in the sport?
I don’t think it is one girl. I think it is every girl who comes out and tries to encourage girls to ride. For all the girls who line up with the boys and race their hearts out to show what we are able to do. Every girl has paved their way for other girls to be successful.
What Canadian Pro do you look up to and why?
Colton Facciotti. He showed everyone what he was able to do. He always came out strong and seemed like a happy guy no matter how he finished. Even when a Pro from the States came out he showed us how hard he worked to get a number one plate.
What is your favourite track and why?
Antler Lake in the AOTMX tracks is my favourite. This track is very different and I’ve always had the best times here.
Who is your hero?
My dad, Pat Shannon, is my hero. He has been through a lot and raising me as a little girl wasn’t the easiest; my stubbornness can sometimes bring out the worst in me. Pat has seen me hit rock bottom and has always been there to pick me back up. He has put his life on hold for me, so I can continue on with my passion for racing. I would just like to thank him for taking me to every race and supporting me 100 percent throughout my racing.
What are your goals for next season?
My biggest goal is to get in the top 10 for the season and receive a 7th place finish. I also desperately want to get over the fear of clearing doubles.

Amiee’s goals for 2015 are to place in the top 10 in the Women’s West Nationals and to overcome her fear of clearing doubles. – Bigwave photo
What are your biggest accomplishments?
My goal last year was to get top 15 and I finished the season 14th over all. Since I came from the 2013 nationals finishing only 23rd, I felt like I really accomplished something.
What is your favourite part about going to the races?
The girls. Between Casse Quantz, Danika White, and Margot Kirkwold, we always had a good time after the races. The positive attitude they always have gets me in a good mood. Even if we have battled and beat each other we don’t let that get in between us. Instead, we just laugh about it. Racing also gets me out of school which I am also always happy to do.
What do you like to do when you aren’t racing?
I am co-coaching a club U16 volleyball team twice a week. I also go to hot yoga and work out at least 3-4 times a week. Sometimes I go skiing with my boyfriend, Braden Bury, at Sunshine and Lake Louise which is a blast. In the summer I like to do some bush riding with my family and the people I work. All in all I try to stay healthy and active.
Is it important to have a motocross racer as a boyfriend/husband, or just a bonus?
It’s both. I find it’s a lot easier to talk to someone about riding who actually knows what you are talking about, rather than a guy who has no idea. My boyfriend, Braden Bury, is also a Pro rider and he has helped me through my 2014 race season by supporting me and being my mechanic. Every time I passed the pit area he always had something written on the pit board. Everything he wrote is exactly what I needed to push me a little more. He knows my every move and can give me great advice during racing and practice. One day I hope to be the person who is helping him, the same way he has helped me.
If you ever have children, will they be motocross racers?
I wouldn’t force my children to do anything they didn’t like, but once they are old enough they will be on a little 50cc with training wheels ripping on the track.
Who do you want to thank?
I would like to thank my parents, Cindy Shannon and Pat Shannon, for all the hard work they have put into the sport for me, and also the amazing support they show. The Bury and Pickford families, who took me to Nanaimo. Also, Honda Extreme, Motovan, DC Signs & Designs, Iron X Welding, Killer Beads Welding, and everyone who came out for my poker rally to support my 2015 racing season.