Out of the Blue: Amelia Matchett|Presented by Schrader’s
By Jeff McConkey

‘Out of the Blue’ is presented by Schrader’s.
Name: Amelia Matchett
Birthday: August 24, 1997
Hometown: Sarnia, ON
Occupation: Working at Vision Retirement Home
Number: 425
Bike: 2015 Honda CRF250r
Race Club: TVR, AMO, Women’s East Coast Nationals
Classes: Ladies

This week’s ‘Out of the Blue’ column features Sarnia, ON rider, #425 Amelia Matchett|Bigwave photo
How did you get started in racing?
I got into riding when I was about 5 years old. My dad has always been into motocross and ice racing. I ice raced before I raced on dirt. My parents bought my brother and me a PW50 and we loved it. We rode local tracks in the summer and on the ice in the winter. I didn’t race seriously until I was about 13.
As a little girl, did you ever expect to be this deep into a sport like motocross?
Neither me or my parents ever expected motocross to become such a huge part of our lives. I tried all kinds of sports when I was younger and eventually just stuck with motocross. As I got older, I became more serious about the sport and realized how much I loved it.

When she’s not racing, Amelia likes to hangout with friends, be outside, and workout|Spikman photo
Do you think motocross is harder for a female to compete in?
On a financial and supportive level I think it is more difficult. Guys definitely get a lot more coverage and support and I know that there are many girls trying to raise enough money so that we can have our East Coast Nationals. But on a physical level I think it’s pretty equal. We have our own class and even when racing with the guys, anything is possible with enough hard work.
Who is your favourite rider and why?
I love Chad Reed. I’ve loved him since I started watching Supercross when I was young. He’s got a great personality and loves his fans. He’s also got a lot of passion for the sport and puts in the work.
Is there one lady racer out there that you think has paved the way for other girls to be successful in the sport?
Hannah Hodges has definitely had a huge impact on a lot of girls, I think. She races with the boys and kills it. I think she gives other girls the confidence to sign themselves up for other classes besides just the women’s class which I think really improves racing skills.
What Canadian Pro do you look up to and why?
Cole Thompson. I grew up riding his tracks and I learned a lot from him and his brothers at MXSchools. He’s a really cool guy and he’s really hard working.

“Hannah Hodges has definitely had a huge impact on a lot of girls, I think. She races with the boys and kills it.”|Bigwave photo
What is your favourite track and why?
Gopher Dunes is probably my favourite track. I love the sand. It’s so much fun.
Who is your hero?
My hero is my mom. She’s such a hardworking women and she does everything and anything for her family. I wouldn’t be able to race every weekend if it weren’t for her. I hope I grow up to be as great as her.
What are your goals for this season?
My goals for this season are to win the overall for the spring and hopefully summer and fall series at TVR. I also want to finish top 15 in the Women’s nationals and at TransCan.
What are your biggest accomplishments?
My biggest accomplishment is probably getting 2nd overall in the 2015 Canadian AXTour. I also finished 2nd overall in the 2015 fall series for TVR.
What is your favourite part about going to the races?
I love seeing all my friends. I’ve made most of my best friends through racing and I really only get to see them at the track. Everyone at the track is like a big family and it’s awesome when everyone gets to come together.
What do you like to do when you aren’t racing?
When I’m not racing I like to hangout with friends, be outside and workout. I also work a lot.

This summer, Amelia hopes to finish in the top 15 at both the Women’s East Nationals and the Walton TransCan|Bigwave photo
Is it important to have a motocross racer as a boyfriend/partner, or just a bonus?
I don’t think it matters. My boyfriend doesn’t race but he loves being at the track and he’s super-supportive and helpful. It would be cool to ride with him but it’s definitely not something that matters too much to me.
If you ever have children, will they be motocross racers?
If I have kids I will introduce them to motocross and hopefully they will love the sport as much as I do so that they can have all the great opportunities I’ve had.
Who do you want to thank?
First of all I need to thank my parents. I wouldn’t be anywhere close to where I am today without them. They have fully supported me and gave me everything they could my entire life and I couldn’t be more grateful for that. Everybody down at JWTF in Maysville, North Carolina, was a huge help. I learned so much and gained so much confidence. It’s an unreal facility. I also want to thank WCK Honda, Sarnia eBikes, Frankfit and Answer Racing as well as my boyfriend Tyler for everything he does for me.