Out of the Blue | Amelia Matchett | Brought to You by Schrader’s
By Jensen Amyotte

Name: Amelia Matchett
Date of Birth: August 24, 1997
Hometown: Sarnia, ON
Grade or Occupation: Bachelors of Kinesiology, Personal Trainer
Race Number: 425 (17 for 2022)
Bike: 2021 CRF250r
Race Club: Triple Crown
Classes: WMX

Who/what inspired you to get into the sport of motocross and how long have you been racing/riding?
My dad was into ice racing and motocross when I was really young and bought my brother and me pW50’s. We started racing when I was 5 or 6.
When not on a dirt bike, how do you keep yourself busy? Are you involved in any other sports or extracurricular activities?
I have always enjoyed working out but at University I was introduced to the idea of weight lifting as a sport of its own rather than just exercising to stay healthy and fit for motocross. The gym has become a huge part of my life and on top of working out myself, I stay busy building programs for other athletes.
What event do you look forward to most every year, one you don’t ever want to miss?
Definitely TransCan! A whole week of dirt bikes, and dirt bike people is unmatched. This year was extra awesome watching all the 50 kids from camp kill it in the ruts.

Tell us about your 2022 race season.
I came into 2022 with the plan to race the East coast of the Triple Crown WMX series. After round 1 I had a practice crash and bonked my head, so I had to skip a few rounds and then I decided to put my full focus on building the small track program and training at Motopark. I intend to try and race WMX again in 2023.
Tell us about your summer with MotoPark!
I was lucky enough to spend the summer at Motopark, running the small track program for their summer camps with my boyfriend Kyle King.
Each week Kyle and I would put together a week full of drills, lessons, motos, and fun stuff to teach the kids the basics of their dirt bikes and the motocross track, proper riding and racing techniques, and ways to improve. We would have a variety of skill levels, from the absolute first timers to the race kids going to TransCan. We had a blast sharing our knowledge and skills with these kids, and then hanging out with them during the nightly activities after training.
Next year Kyle and I will be back for more fun with the kids. We learned so much ourselves this summer and we can’t wait to continue building and improving the program for 2023. I plan on putting my Kinesiology degree and experience in the gym to use next year, to work with the MP athletes to improve their fitness and endurance.
Witnessing and being a part of those kids’ progress over the week of Walton was such a cool experience. There were even a couple of kids that trained with us all summer, so we really got the chance to bond with them and their families. To see their dedication and improvements from week 1 to their races at TransCan was such a special experience. I really, really don’t think I could have dreamt up a better job!!

What kind of track/dirt do you feel you excel at most and why?
I am definitely more of a sand rider than a rut rider. I struggle a bit with ruts so I find that I’m able to focus a bit less and have a little more fun in the sand.
If you ever have children will you give them the option to race as well?
I hope that I get to give my kids the opportunity to race and love the sport as much as me, and keep motocross a part of my family.

What was your first race number and how did you choose it?
My first race number ever would have been 125. My favourite number was 5, so from that I got 25. I raced Mini Thunder when I first started and the class you were in determined the first number of your race number. Which gave me the 1. I got up to 425 and that rule ended, but I just stuck with the 4.
What do you like to do in the off season?
I workout throughout the entire year to stay fit for riding and racing, but in the winter the gym becomes more of a hobby of its own and I focus more on heavier weights and lifts. I really enjoy the challenge that comes with lifting heavy.
Who would you like to thank?
I gotta thank my parents for the lifetime of support, I wouldn’t be who I am or where I am without them. My boyfriend Kyle for everything he does, and for bringing me the opportunity to start coaching with him. Thank you to Motopark and every single person I’ve met there – the support, love, and atmosphere they have provided has been unreal. Thank you to all my sponsors for their help this year and every other year: WCK Honda, D&D moto products, No Limit Powersports, OG Optics, and Kenzie Hennessy.

Amelia and Kyle killed in on the mini track this summer at MP! Thank you for everything you did and continue to do! You rock!