On the Radar: Sam Gaynor
By Jeff McConkey
Name: Sam Gaynor
Age: 15
Hometown: Erin, Ontario, Canada
School and Grade: Erin District High School and I’m in grade 10
Number: 28
Bike: Last season I rode YZ 85’s and this upcoming year I plan on riding YZ 125’s
Race Club: CMRC, AMO, and MMRS

Let’s get to know Erin, Ontario’s #28 Sam Gaynor. – Bigwave photo
Classes: Last year I rode in the 85 (12-16), Supermini and Schoolboy 1 class and this upcoming season I plan on moving up to the Junior classes on my 125’s
How did you get started in racing?
I started riding when I was 3 on a PW50 and I entered my first race at an indoor track in Ohio when I was 4. My dad raced Superbikes for Suzuki Canada and then, when I was born, he started racing Supermoto so I have always been around racing. My sister and I started riding at the same time but I wanted to try racing and got hooked onto the sport.
What is your favourite track and why?
I have been lucky enough to ride at many tracks in Canada and the USA but I would have to say that my favourite in the USA would be County Line MX. I like that track because it has great dirt, nice jumps, and a really fun atmosphere. My favourite track in Canada is Motopark. This is my favourite track because they have brought in a lot of new dirt and made many cool changes.

Biggest achievements? “I was hoping for top 3 at Walton TransCan in 85 (12-16) which I achieved by getting 3rd place.” – Bigwave photo
Who is your favourite rider and why?
I would have to say that Trey Canard is my favourite rider. He is my favourite because he is respectful, fast, and has never given up through all of his injuries. He seems to be very nice and has a true love and passion for the sport.
What Canadian Pro do you look up to and why?
I really like both (Tyler and Jeremy) Medaglia brothers because I have had an opportunity to meet them and they have been very genuine to me. I also really like Kyle Keast because he has a true passion for the sport and always takes time to talk with me and wish me good luck before my races.
Who is your hero?
Both of my parents. They have always supported me throughout all of my racing. No matter what my finishes are, I know I can always count on them to be there for me. My mom puts in extra hours at work to help with the expenses and makes sure I eat well at the track and my dad coaches and wrenches for me. My dad used to race road racing professionally which is very cool. I look up to my mom and dad and hope to be just like them when I get older.
What were your goals for this season, and did you reach them?
I was hoping for top 3 at Walton TransCan in 85 (12-16) which I achieved by getting 3rd place. I was also hoping for top 5 in Supermini at Walton TransCan which I did not achieve due to crashes in all three motos. I picked it up and finished with a 6th overall in Supermini. I was hoping for top 10 at Walton TransCan which I achieved by getting 9th overall.
What are your biggest accomplishments?
In 2009, I won the 50cc (7-8) championship at Walton TransCan. I am also very happy with my 3rd place this past year at Walton. Winning the Montreal KJSC Supercross and finishing second at the Skydome in Toronto were both great experiences. Winning the Wiseco most improved rider at the Walton TransCan in 2012 was also a great honour. I’m also very proud of my accomplishments while holding a full-time job in the summer (Luckily, I had wonderful employers who cheered me on and gave me time off for training and racing).

Watch for Sam to move up to the Junior classes on a 125 2-stroke for the 2016 season. – Bigwave photo
What is your favourite part about going to the races?
My favourite part about going to the races is getting to hang out with my friends, but I also love the adrenaline rush that I get while I’m racing. I look forward to the challenges that each weekend brings.
What do you like to do when you aren’t racing?
When I am not racing I like to play other sports – I am a hockey goalie, and play school sports such as wrestling and rugby. I also like fishing during the summer and riding my BMX bike. In the winter I snowmobile and go ice riding with my dad.
Who would you like to thank?
I would like to thank my family first and foremost; they have supported me through everything. I would also like to thank all of the people that have helped me from day 1. I’m very fortunate to have some great people helping me. Thanks to John Nelson at St. Onge Recreation, Forma Boots, John Biersteker at Abbott and Costello Machine, Lino Zecca at Motocamp.ca, Josh Cox at Rusty Racing, Derek Medaglia for his constant encouragement, and John Cornwell for letting us have a track to train and ride on. Thanks also to Motopark for some great riding instruction. I would also like to thank DMX for profiling amateur riders and giving me this opportunity.