On the Radar | #521 AJ Beth | Presented by KTM Canada
By Billy Rainford

Name: AJ Beth
Age: 12
Hometown: Burketon, Ontario
School and Grade: MJ Hobbs Grade 7
Number: 521
Bike: KTM 65cc / KTM 85cc
Race Club or Series: AMO & Triple Crown
Classes: 65cc (10-11), 65cc GP, 85cc (7-11)

How did you get started riding and racing?
My parents bought me a KTM 50 mini for my 4th birthday and it scared the crap out of me so my dad went to the local Yamaha dealer and bought me a PW50. My dad took me to my first race with OCMC. I started out with XC and ice racing but as soon as I raced my first MX race I was hooked. There is no place I would rather be than on my bike.
What was your first race number and how did you choose it?
My first number was 521 because it is the date of my birthday – 5th month, 21st day. I have never changed it.
What’s your favourite subject in school?
Gym because I enjoy it and I love sports.
What is your favourite track and why?
My favourite track is Walton because it is a dirt-based track with long, fast straightaways and I really enjoy hitting the Catapult jump.
Who is your favourite rider and why?
Quinn Amyotte because he lives in my hometown and he lets me ride is wicked pit bike track.

What Canadian Pro do you look up to and why?
Quinn Amyotte is the Pro rider that I look up to the most. He started his career at the same clubs and tracks that I have trained at and has been able to stay in the top 10 in the Pro class. This shows me that anything is possible and maybe I could become a Pro as well.
Who is your hero?
I better say my dad or he will get mad at me. LOL.
How did your 2019 season go? Did you meet your expectations?
In my 2019 season with OCMC I ended my year with the #1 plate, High Points Schoolboy award, I came 1st overall in my ice series classes, 60cc, 60GP and Youth A, 1st overall in XC series in Youth A and 3rd overall in the 12-16 MX series.
I came second overall in MMRS series in my 60cc (10–11) and 60 GP and 5th overall in 85cc (7-11).
I came 2nd in the round 2 of the New Era Cup series in both 60cc (10-11) and 60 GP class.
To finish off my season we decided to try the Area 51 CanAm race which I end up with 2nd overall in my 60cc (10-11) and 60GP class.
I had a great 2019 season and had so much fun racing.

What were your goals for the 2020 season?
My goals were to get on the podium at AMO, Triple Crown, and TransCan.
How did the TransCan go for you?
TransCan went awesome! I got to race the top riders in the sport and I got 5th in my 65cc (10-11) class, 6th in my 65GP class, and 11th in my 85 (7-11) class.
What are your biggest accomplishments?
My biggest accomplishment is receiving the Rising Star award from AMO Racing Reloaded for the 2020 season.
What is your favourite part about going to the races?
To see my friends and just have fun.

What do you like to do when you aren’t racing?
I like to downhill ski and ice race in the winter and ride my pit bike in the trails in the summer and hang out with my family and friends.
Who would you like to thank?
I would like to thank my mom and dad and Mike Yurko from Yurko Racing for sponsoring me this year.