On the Radar | #15 Tyson Dubuc | Presented by Fox Racing Canada
By Billy Rainford

Name: Tyson Dubuc
Age: 15
Hometown: Mission, BC
School and Grade: 10
Number: 15
Bike: KTM 125
Race Club or Series: Future West Moto
Classes: Schoolboy, 250 Junior, Under 30

How did you get started riding and racing?
My dad bought me a Honda CRF back in the day. We would ride small sand pits (I was only 4 years old) and then he took me to my first race at Tuesday night Mission and I loved it. I begged him every Tuesday to take me racing.
What was your first race number and how did you choose it?
My first race number was whatever numbers my dad could find in the bottom of his tool box.
How come so many of the fast kids are running #15 out here in the west? You can’t ALL be huge Tim Ferry fans! Lol
Hahaha I’m not sure but you’re right there’s some fast #15’s out there.
What’s your favourite subject in school?
Umm, I’m not a huge fan of school. I get by! If I had to choose one it would be mechanics. LOL. I’m getting into a trades program next year that will be fun!

What is your favourite track and why?
Kelowna has always been a favourite! It has a good flow, I love the big jumps on it, and I always seem to race well there. It’s just a really fun track!
Where do you practice around home during the winter months?
Me and a few of my friends have pit bike tracks at our houses so we can get some seat time in that way if the weather is good. Otherwise, it’s tough to practice in all the rain we get.
Who is your favourite rider and why?
My favourite rider is Dean Wilson #15 of course and I like his riding style. It’s similar to mine.
What Canadian Pro do you look up to and why?
I look up to Jess Pettis. I’ve watched him ride since I was on 50’s and I’ve watched him progress to where he is now. It’s been awesome to see!
Who is your hero?
I don’t really have a hero. I look up to a bunch of different people for different reasons.

How did your 2020 season go? Did you meet your expectations?
My 2020 season went pretty well. I didn’t end up doing all the outdoor races but got to all the indoor ones, and now just waiting for the last 2 rounds.
How has your FWM AX series been going? Hopefully, we get to race the final two rounds this year.
Arenacross has been going great. I have been riding the best I have in a while. I’m feeling really good on my 125, winning every Schoolboy moto and having some good battles with Charles Charlton.
What are your winter plans?
I already got my season pass for Sasquatch Mountain, so I will be snowboarding lots.
What are your goals for next season, and what is it going to take to reach them?
I don’t have super big goals for next season, but I think I’ll be getting a 250 and will just be focusing on getting comfortable on that.
What are your biggest accomplishments?
My biggest accomplishment has been staying injury free while earning some local Western Canadian/ Future West championships.
What is your favourite part about going to the races?
The adrenaline rush I get from racing, I love the smell of race fuel and the gate drops!
What do you like to do when you aren’t racing?
Dirt jump, skateboard, snowboard.
Who would you like to thank?
Troy and Sandra Smith at Maple Ridge Motorsports, Kyle Beaton for always being there, Ryan Lockhart at 100 percent, and everyone else who has stood behind me and help to guide me. And of course, Dad and Mom.