Off the Cuff with Jacqueline Ross – September
By Jacqueline Ross

Greetings, Humans.
First off, congratulations to Team Canada on a great showing at the Motocross of Nations at Mantova MX in Mantova, Italy. Hats off to Tyler Medaglia, Dylan Wright, and Jake Piccolo on their awesome performances. Well done, gentleman!
This month’s column piggy backs last month and was also inspired by a question from the author of Atomic Habits and composer of the 3-2-1 Thursday Newsletter (Do yourself a favor and subscribe), James Clear. At the end of the weekly newsletter he closes out the email with, “1 Question For You.” This question is coming to you from June 24th’s Newsletter:
“People will tell stories about you at your funeral. What chapter are you writing today?”
First of all, why do we have to wait until someone has a funeral to hear all of these stories? Perhaps, I could have all of my friends do this for me for my birthday this year. Get your speeches ready, people! You’ve got until November 2nd.
I was so compelled by the question, I wrote it down and taped it to my desk on June 24th. Knowing, but not knowing when I would sit down with my two friends, Uncomfortableness and Truth, tap into the left hemisphere of my brain, and start writing.
Well, no time better than the present, eh!? When you think about this question it really puts things into perspective. The simple fact alone that death is inevitable should light us all up like a Christmas Tree to make sure we are doing what we love! Because, at any given moment you have a choice and the power to make a change. That’s not to say that just because
you’re doing what you love, you won’t face difficulties or hardships. However, when you’re living your purpose or doing what you are called to do, you may find something within yourself to dig a little deeper, take a different approach, and stay the course. Remaining steadfast when it comes time to handle the merciless waves of life.
Welcome to my chapter; Chapter 33 3/4, The Water Gets Murky; My Vision Stays Clear. I wrote my column last month about time. As of lately, my relationship with time has been debilitating. Most of the time, I have absolute faith in trusting the timing of my life; even when my circumstances are not ideal, I still believe that I am exactly where I need to be.
Lately, I’m full of questions, self-doubt, and fears. I injured my back a few months ago while training for a few Nationals. Prepared as ever, and now just as devastated. When you put your heart and soul into what you’re doing, it tends to have a different effect. It’s like being caught in the rain. Some people feel the rain others just get wet. Another setback, and
just a few weeks out from the first event. Feels like that has been my M.O. over the last twelve years. Get ready, then get hurt. Wash, rinse, repeat. Try and change the cycle, but it still remains cyclical. My “WHY” is strong, but those demons still fight to be heard.
Then the inner dialogue starts, “Should I really still do this? Is it worth it? Am I really still going to go after this dream?” Well, Jacqueline Ross, time to change the script and rewrite the story that you’ve been telling yourself.
You know, it’s a good thing I’m open to learning more about myself, and that I’m not afraid of starting over. This is about to be my 734th life! If there is one thing I’m familiar with it is being in the valley. As a matter of fact, I’ve been in the valley more than I’ve been on the mountain tops.
Each time being injured is different. Of course, the older you get the harder it is. Not physically, I have always felt it more mentally. You can have the best work ethic, skill and talent in the world, but if you don’t have your mentality you’ll lose every time, not just in sport, but life too. If your mental balance is off, you too will become off balanced with different aspects of your life.

Let me throw out a few life preservers in the form of thoughts that I have written on a notecard and have been keeping close as I climb out of my present valley:
• Your best is changing every moment.
• Good intentions are worthless unless they lead to
good actions.
• Everything starts off small.
• The sun doesn’t shine all day.
• Sometimes all you need is a good belly laugh.
• Example is the best teacher; lead by it.
• Trust yourself.
• Take ownership of your life.
• What is delayed is not denied.
• All the limits you live with are entirely learned.
• For every problem there is a solution.
• When you realize you can be both the problem and the solution, your life will take a different course.
• The truth can be difficult to hear, but necessary for growth.
• Patience, grasshopper. Waiting may be difficult, but it is worse to regret.
• Another new beginning.
• Your choices control your future and determine your destiny.
• Be yourself, you’ll attract the right people that coincide with your energy.
• Keep getting back up.
• Take a deep breath.
• Live for today; tomorrow is uncertain.
My hope with me being authentic and vulnerable about my current journey is that it will resonate with at least one person that could be going through a challenging time and inspire them to keep going.
Hang on, you’ve come so far and you still have further to go,
Amen! Truth!!!!