Off the Cuff with Jacqueline Ross | November
By Jacqueline Ross

Greetings, Humans!
Contrary to what I said in September, Florida was not the place to be in November. It has rained almost every day, motocross tracks have been flooded, and I’ve contemplated the idea of purchasing a jet ski.
Normally, I tend to talk quite a bit. This month, I made it a point to talk less, listen and observe more. With that being said, a few quotes on signs and books that I read caught my eyes; while words from people vibrated my eardrums. So I wrote them down.
Some quotes offered support or made me laugh, while others made me think. With hopes that a line or two will resonate with you, here’s my top twelve!

“Never practice struggling.” – My friend Joe to me during a swim practice.
“Keep the faith.” – License plate holder of a car in front of me.
“Sorry, I was on a mission. I wasn’t even looking ahead.” – A lady that almost collided into me in the grocery store.
“Hang in there.” – My dad to me after I had a character building day.
“Anger is a potent spice. A pinch wakes you up. Too much dulls your senses” – The Queens Gambit.
“Caution: Free Range Children” – Sign in a persons front yard.
“Ten years from now, what would you wish you had done today?” – On a marquee for a local vet’s office.
“Don’t Give Up.” – Sign on the side of the road.
“Time humbles you and life is just a flick of the eye.” – Mike Tyson.
“Your perspective will either be your prison or your passport.” – Steven Furtick.
“Depend on your feet, you can climb the highest mountain.” – Fortune cookie.
Until next time,