Off the Cuff with Jacqueline Ross | May 2023
By Jacqueline Ross

Greetings, Humans,
Usually, I always view life as a grand adventure; a magical, mystery tour! Lately, it’s still magical, but let me tell you, in other areas it feels more like I’ve been on the struggle bus. It’s been rough and trying, but we all know giving up is not an option. At this point it feels like I’m about to start on my 734th life! [We see what you did there!]
With so much unknown and uncertainty in the world, I’ve come to realize the value of actually living for and embracing the intangible moments. Instead of planning for particular events on a calendar, how about making the intangible moments something to plan for?
What do you mean, Jacqueline?
I mean to plan for the moment and how you handle the moment, regardless if it is favorable or not. A bit of a play on words here, so let me break it down. Plan for joy, but learn how to handle despair. Plan for triumph, but learn how to handle defeat. Plan for happiness, but learn how to cope with sadness. Plan for a fulfilling journey, and get ready to face many trials and tribulations along the way; for without them, you wouldn’t be able to strengthen your courage and perseverance. Plan to get up more times than you fall then you’ll realize there is nothing in life you can’t overcome. If we welcome each intangible moment as a gift we’ll always be unwrapping a new present.
Mark Twain, said it best…”What is joy without sorrow? What is success without failure? What is health without illness? You have to experience each if you are to appreciate the other. There is always going to be suffering. It’s how you look at your suffering, how you deal with it, that will define you.”
The only way is through,
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