Off the Cuff with Jacqueline Ross | March 2024
Greetings, Humans,
Helen Keller once said, “Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all.” The more life I live and experiences I grow through the more I realize how true her words are. Extremely relatable, especially now, with me being back on the bike after 18 months off. One thing is for sure, there is no feeling like riding your dirt bike and no feeling like the courage it takes to actually swing your leg over and ride the dirt bike! My first time getting suited and booted, I thought I was about to go into cardiac arrest; even my palms were sweating! To anyone that rides, no matter what your experience level, I have the upmost respect for you all!
I try to perceive this ‘daring adventure’ through the lens of a child – one that is in awe from seeing something for the first time and one that may feel afraid, but decides to tap into their courage and do it anyway. I am always in amazement with how all of us in the off-road realm share a common thread; a love for two wheels. All ages, races, and a passion for two wheels. The love of riding is what brings us together. Everyone has a story, a trial or tribulation that they are facing, but the dirt bike is what brings us joy, helps us forget about the world, and brings us together. To me, it’s a beautiful experience, especially, to play a part and help others along their journey.
These photos are from the last few weeks after training sessions at Dan Woodley Racing, Motocross Air BnB in Fort Pierce, Florida. Talk about an epic family vacation! Once again, the common thread: a love for two wheels that brings us all together.
May we all remember why we started and where we came from.
Humble roots,
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