Off the Cuff with Jacqueline Ross | March 2022
By Jacqueline Ross

Greetings, Humans!
Inspired by a training session from the other night, allow me to introduce two of my lil homies; Kai McCullough and Ryder Robertson. I’ve worked with both of these boys for about two years. When it comes to personalities, they are two polar opposites. Kai is so high strung, he gives me a run for my money. I have to practically beg the kid to take his helmet off when we take a rest. He is always raring to go; I swear he must sleep in all of his gear! Ryder, on the other hand, is the
definition of the word, “chill.” He is laid back and just goes with the flow. Despite the personality differences, they train extremely well together and share the love of riding a dirt bike. This sport always fascinates me with how it brings people together.

Sidebar for a brief moment, after Kai and Ryder’s intense training session, I told them I would take them out for ice cream. We all pull up to the local Dairy Queen located inside a gas station in Fellsmere, FL. I walk into the gas station with the kids only to find out the entrance to DQ is barricaded. The cashier must’ve noticed the puzzled look on my face, as my
expressions don’t use their inside voices. He says to me, “They closed at 8.” I glance at my watch; it’s 8:06. So gas station ice creams it is. Sorry boys, you know I got you both next time! Seriously, I’ve never heard of a DQ closing so early. Hopefully, my column will be seen by the eyes of Troy Bader, CEO of Dairy Queen. Mr. Bader, do you think you could possibly look into keeping the DQ open until at least 9?! The Flow With J-Ro lil homies would greatly appreciate it!
Now, back to our scheduled programing with the boys and the training session!
Over the last few months, both of these boys have made the decision to really step it up more consistently during their training, and they are reaping the fruits of their labor. It’s not “starting to click.” These are the results of great attitudes, drive, and never giving up. The compiled efforts that they continue to put in each time they throw their leg over the bike is truly admirable.
During our latest training session, it felt like time stopped for a few moments. I watched in awe at who they’re becoming. I couldn’t help but think of how much they’ve grown; not as in height, or with their adult front teeth coming in, but as in maturity. Also, how much I continue to learn from them. They’re resilient. They get back up more times than they fall. They trust the process. They continue to believe in themselves and what they’re doing. They embrace a challenge even though they may feel scared to death. They always get excited over the little things. Most importantly, unless their bike breaks, they never give up.
Moral of this column: we can all learn so much about ourselves and life by looking through the eyes of a child. Also, it takes time and consistent effort on a daily basis to experience great moments. It takes six months to build a Rolls-Royce and about eight to ten weeks to build a Ford Focus. What’s the difference? Handcrafted by a special built team of engineers and designers versus being built on a factory assembly line. Quality versus quantity. Personal value versus appealing to the masses. I guess life and motocross are quite similar, it’s all about your attitude and perspective.
I’ll have John Wooden close us out, “Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.”
At ease,
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