Off the Cuff Jacqueline Ross

Off the Cuff with Jacqueline Ross – February

By Jacqueline Ross

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Greetings, Humans,

What is it called when you believe in someone more than they believe in themselves?  Wishful thinking, talking to their potential, living in a false sense of reality, or delusional optimism?   Throughout my life, I’ve played my part in both roles.  I’ve been the individual with the head full of fear; the one that needed someone to speak life into and believe in them.  I’ve also been on the other side, the human with the heart full of hope for someone.  Both roles have played an integral part in my life.  One helped shaped me, the other is part of who I am today. 

I think every human being on this planet has fear within themselves, just as much as they have greatness within them as well.  As far as what you extract from your life, that depends on which side you feed.  Perhaps the next time a member of society tries to reaffirm the fear or doubt within you by mentioning, “you’ll never make it” or “you don’t have what it takes,” maybe it’s because they never did or even had the courage to pursue their own dream.  So, if an individual was willing to adjust their thought process, tap into their newfound courage, and surround themselves with encouraging individuals, they could change the script and rewrite the play of their life!  

Act 7, Scene 34…Action!

Love from a hope dealer,
