Off the Cuff with Jacqueline Ross | August 2024
It’s time for the August 2024 instalment of our ‘Off the Cuff’ motivational column by former Canadian WMX champion Jacqueline Ross.
Greetings, Humans,
Happy August! Whether you were competing at: the ECAN, Loretta Lynn’s, the AMA Pro Motocross Nationals, MRC’s Triple Crown Series, or Walton…I hope it’s been a summer of your dreams!

I’ve been on the go-go over the last 3 weeks; fulfilling my role as a coach with Fuel Ministry, at their off-road/motocross summer camps. With being on the road for 3 weeks it feels like you lose track of time. Who knows what day it is, or what time zone you’re in. Perhaps it was all a mirage! Then again, my last week was spent in Missouri and I felt like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz! Camels and Ostriches were seen on the way to train kiddos at Possum Hollow MX Park! I even got a photo op in a massive sunflower field and with Sasquatch in someone’s front yard! Haha! Maybe I did actually time hop into another dimension! Regardless of what dimension I was in, one thing was for certain my awe, awareness, and appreciation for what goes on behind the scenes for the execution of a successful camp.
The amount of selflessness, consideration, time, and preparation that goes into summer camps on this magnitude is incredible. One of the camps in Indiana had 120 kids; the rest anywhere from 50-75. It literally takes a village of selfless human beings and help from ones in neighboring states. These people sacrifice their intangible values: time, energy, and effort…all for the kiddos!
How often do we as humans overlook or forget to take the time to offer a simple “thank you” for the help we receive on the daily from the ones closest to us or acknowledging the random stranger that offers a smile as they pass us by?
So, an ode to all of the unsung heroes: God, the volunteers, parents, grandparents, all of the family members, the Fuel staff, and all of the track owners/trail bosses. The people that help us in making our dreams come true and the random passerby that offered a friendly hello and a smile. You are greatly appreciated!
Gratitude, pass it on…
P.S. I must include a special thank you to the Coleman family and the Dunaways for fostering and transporting me over the last 3 weeks. I hope everyone is working on their car karaoke skills for next year!
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