Off the Cuff Jacqueline Ross

Off the Cuff by Jacqueline Ross | June 2024

It’s time for our ‘Off the Cuff’ motivational column by former Canadian WMX champion Jacqueline Ross for June 2024.

By Jacqueline Ross

Greetings, Humans!

What a time to be alive! Summer has just begun! Outdoor motocross is kicking off with great racing in Canada and the States. It feels like Christmas in June!

I recently heard a quote that has been on repeat in my mind over the last few weeks. It went something along the lines of, “the black belt is the white belt that never gave up.” How true and how applicable to every aspect of life and sport.  Wherever you currently are on your journey, whatever path you may be on, I hope you give yourself some grace. You’ve made it to today.

You’ve slayed the giants and overcome the demons along the way. Give yourself a high hive and keep going!

I believe in you,
