MRC 2020 Rider Advancement
2020 Riders Advancement under MRC Rules: Beginner, Junior, and Intermediate for all regionsIt’s that time of year where MRC shows the names of the racers that have earned the right to make the next step in their racing career. “In 2020 it was crazy to think we were even going to race but a lot of our partners were able to make it happen. Within those groups, certain riders exceeded above others and now have earned their right to become a better-classified racer when the 2021 gate drops.” Here are the names of all racers from coast to coast under MRC that will advance a class (or two) for 2021. Congrats to all these names for following the system and reaching a racing goal. MRC Rulebook Advancement rules: C. Points for Class Advancement 1. Riders riding in more than one class will have upgrade points combined for both classes.Beginner to Junior 10 points Junior to Intermediate 20 points Intermediate to Professional 40 points 2. Full points are awarded in classes of six or more riders. In classes of less than six riders, the winner will receive 3 points and the second place will receive 1 point only. Upgrade points:1st overall receives 5 points 2nd overall receives 3 points 3rd overall receives 2 points 4th overall receives 1 point 3. All upgrade points are dropped by riders accumulating fewer than these totals so that the new season is started with zero upgrade points7. The top THREE overall finishers from all Junior and Intermediate classes at the Grand National Amateur National Championship will be automatically upgraded to a higher class the following year. Intermediates may stay if they fall under rule chapter1(B)(1) or they don’t have enough upgrade points and their appeal is granted. If they win a championship they may not compete in that class again at the Amateur Grand National Championship. 8. Any rider competing in the 250 Pro/Am East/West national series that earns a national number will be automatically upgraded to the Pro ranks regardless of their total upgrade points earned at regional events in the Intermediate class, however, an appeal may be granted. If the rider falls under rule chapter1(B)(1 – Intermediate -The classification preceding “Professional” -Minimum -age 15years of age as of January 1st of the current year have the option to remain as an Intermediate.) he may use this option |