Motopark Ride Day Photos|Presented by Husqvarna Canada
By Billy Rainford

Special thanks to Husqvarna Canada for the use of the 2016 FC250.
Ontario was fooled into thinking it was going to have an early spring a few weeks ago, but then Mother Nature changed her mind and made everyone wait until this past weekend for the temperature to rise to the point of making the Motopark track rideable. This past Saturday they held a Ride Day that attracted 248 riders of all abilities. Riders from Pro #259 Taylor Ciampichini all the way down to yours truly took advantage of a perfect track that only 4 days before had snow on it.
I don’t know who everyone is in these shots, so I apologize for not having witty captions for everyone, but here are a bunch of photos from an amazing day at the track in Chatsworth, Ontario.

Andy White over at FXR Racing set us up with some sweet new FXR Mission gear for the day. Nothing like cutting off tags before hitting the track!

And, of course, the 2016 Husqvarna FC250 was the star of the show in our pits Saturday.

Ryan Gauld heading to his AMO trailer with his ever-growing family in tow.

Greg Workman from Parts Canada getting set to put on some new Thor gear.

Jeff was like a proud papa with his new bike and branded casual wear.

Scoping lines or suffering a mechanical, I’m not sure.

Back in my day, this was actually a pretty advanced move. I think Jeff is just showing off his brand new Alpinestars boots.

An little 2-stroke ridden fast is still the best music to my ears.

Greg Workman getting some air.

We actually “forgot” to do our stopwatch challenge so we’ll just have to pretend we all set fastest laps…

#424 Austin Watling was there doing some engine testing with Chris Bondi from, you guessed it, Bondi Engines.

The elbow magnets get turned on when the camera points towards them.

Austin slamming the turn at the far bottom of the track that I was able to get to thanks to the use of a little Yamaha 110 pit bike. Thanks, guys.

‘McThoughts’ in the same corner.

Since I was already down there, I stayed until I couldn’t take the spray of dirt any longer.

It was nice to see #46 Marco Cannella tearing up the track again after his Daytona crash.

The fastest guys there, like Tanner Ward, put in some solid motos pacing each other.

#553 Nick Denniston.

#28 Sam Gaynor should turn some heads in the red-numbered classes this summer.

Young Ben Mistelbacher still hates visors.

Hunter Scott threatened to take photos of me on the track. Hopefully, his thumb was in the way…

Last week’s ‘On the Radar’ subject, Mitchell Frank.

#110 Emma Saarela was looking good Saturday.

And so was her brother, Kai.

As Fernando Lamas used to say, “It’s better to look good than to…go fast.” Or something like that. (Google it, Bowker!)

Jeff probably showing Jack Wright the combo section I did that nobody else has ever even thought of doing…

There’s quite a bit of moto knowledge in this photo.

#259 Taylor Ciampichini.

This shot doesn’t really do it justice, but he’s going from right to left here.

Nick shows the more ‘normal’ method.

Austin Watling chasing Marco.

Marco braking late into this right-hander.

I like this one of Nick.

I can hear the Juicy Fruit song in this one, for some reason. Sorry to put that in your head for the rest of the day…

He even used his left foot to scrub speed here. That can be tough on a guy’s MCL though, so I don’t recommend it.

No scrub here. His MCL is safe.

The Watlings with Chris Bondi watching Austin on the track.

If you’re asking Zeb for advice at Motopark, you’re asking the right guy!

Austin was quick to admit that this may not have been on purpose.

Riders were divided into groups by skill and sent out together.

Walton Raceway’s Brett Lee working from the Husky office.

Jack Wright working on some math…

…to get his pre-mix ratio right.

Sometimes when I’m walking along and I see a piece of wood, I pick it up because, hey, free board! Anyone remember Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy?

Kraig Reinhart has made the switch to blue for 2016.

Fernando getting ready to go back out.

I could not sit like that if I tried!

Check out Fernando’s self-admitted goggle OCD.

I was trying to go for that 1970’s Bigfoot photo look.

BAM! There it is.

Wardrobe change for Fernando and back out he went. Jeff put in quite a few laps Saturday.

Hey, who’s manning the AMO trailer?!

Motopark owner, Iain Hayden made time for a few laps of his own.

Maybe I don’t have a ‘no heel-clicker’ policy…

Forgot his suspenders.

Josh Cox made fun of us for running hand guards, but I don’t want to be that middle finger in about 1/10 of a second!

Papa Saarela looking good!

Steve Simms putting in a few laps.

Emma Saarela looking forward.

New Era’s Mikey Walker.

You can jump into that turn???

Austin perfects the rarely used ‘corner scrub.’

The AMO trailer was in this spot till about 1 and then the CMRC trailer replaced it. Interesting times in amateur motocross, indeed.

Jeff adjusts the chain on the HUsky before I go out and stretch it.

Yep, that’s about all you really need to see…

I was feeling kinda seasick, but the crowd called out for more…That was about the most air I caught all day.

Never, and I mean never, look at the camera when you’re on the track. Sorry, I even lit up your eyes. lol

Elbow magnet…ON!

Greg Workman powering through a corner.

Have you ever watched Zeb Dennis on ride days? He is non-stop! Oh, and you missed a rock…

The new Husky attracted some fans.

I think it was Lou Bega who said, “Table #4…” No?

The little drop into the rhythm section.

Check it out, that’s Michael Island.

Marco stays so low he ruins the photo!

I had to.

Thanks for a great day at the track, guys. Where’s the next one and what am I riding? That Husqvarna FC250 was a blast to ride and the FXR gear looks as fresh now as it did before I did 2 laps in it…