By Billy Rainford
Welcome to another Monday Morning Coffee. Hey, when does daylight savings time end anyway? I have to admit that I took a little bit of time away from moto this past week. It’s been a long season with a ton of great racing and things I was able to attend and report on. It’s rare that I take more than a day away, but I literally did close to nothing this past week.
I was actually surprised at how long it took me to get back on schedule after flying home from France. Experts say that “phase delay” (going to an earlier time zone) is easier to adapt to. While I normally agree with this – you simply stay up as late as you can and get up at the new time zone’s time – Emily and I both really struggled this time.
There aren’t many weeks when I can step away for a while but this one seemed like the right time to do it. We got a new dog, Olive, and she’s only 6 months old. We got her spayed on Wednesday and so I needed to stick around the house to keep an eye on her while Em went back to work, so the timing for me to slack off was good.
While she was under, we also had them remove her dangling dew claws from her back legs and had a micro chip put in. She’s all ready to go now!
If you’re not a dog lover, I apologize for those last few paragraphs…
Ok, ok, if you insist. Here she is:

Since I don’t have a whole lot of moto-related stuff to talk about, how about a little story time from something pretty weird and coincidental (?) that happened this week?
We live on a very quiet crescent that runs off of a fairly busy 2-lane road that leads in and out of downtown London. For some reason, I’ve had this “irrational” fear when we walk around our block. I won’t even walk the block clockwise because it puts my back to the traffic coming down Riverside.
I told Em last week that I even have a plan where I shove her out of the way and jump up as high as I can if it happens. Everyone thinks I’m being crazy.
Well, I walked out the door with our new dog Olive and started on our loop. I decided to bring the recycling bins In before the walk, so it took about 45 seconds.
As we started going, I heard a noise I thought was a wood chipper or something over on Riverside.
45 seconds later we came around the corner to see a car over the sidewalk and through the fence right where we walk…

I stood there talking with Blair who lives in the house and he couldn’t believe it. The guy was out cold in the driver’s seat and someone had already stopped when I got there. They decided to pull him out of the car and roll him onto his side. One of them got on the phone and called 911. We watched a fire truck make a wrong turn and go past the turn off down the road.
Police actually got there first. When they got to him he had just regained consciousness and started getting violent. They actually had to cuff him behind his back so they could check him over. It was a pretty wild scene!
The ambulance got there, they removed his cuffs and put him in the back and off they went to the hospital. He was in a nice new Mercedes sedan and was only around 30 years old. No idea if he had a seizure or what.
Now I use the old psychological game of saying, “What are the chances that could happen twice?!” So now I can probably walk the loop clockwise…
Next on my race calendar is the Dubya World Vet Championships at Glen Helen. Skippy Mobbs has out together another top notch team to represent Canada so this should be a really good time. They have their pits right beside the famous start straight and their rig has a patio on the roof, so I’m looking forward to capturing all the action.
Hey, the team has been kind enough to invite me along, so I thought I’d see if anyone out there would know of a company that might be interested in sponsoring my coverage of the event? I won’t take any of the money, but would hand it over to Skippy to help fund the team. If you know of anyone, please let them and me know.

Check out this video Cult MX did for Team Canada MXON from France:
AMO Arenacross in Chilliwack, BC

The 2023 AMO AX series:
Heritage Park, Chilliwack, BC
November 24/25 – Rounds 1-2
December 1/2 – Rounds 3-4
Canadian Triple Crown Series AX Dates

October 21 – Co-Op Place, Medicine Hat, Alberta.
November 4 – Nutrien Western Event Centre, Calgary, Alberta
We’ll have Noel Flatters from SuperFine Media handling the coverage for us at the final 2 rounds of our 2023 series, so watch for his stuff coming up.
Well, I hope that got you through another cup. I know there wasn’t much but I promise to get back to work, starting…..meow!
Have a great week.
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