MCC’s Bid for FIM Affiliation Denied | Here’s the Explanation

“We will continue to make MCC stronger and even better positioned to take on the responsibility of leading Canada back to competitive motorcycling at the international level through FIM Affiliation.”— Chris Bourque, MCC Chair
FOREST, ONTARIO, CANADA, February 4, 2021 /
On January 29, 2021, the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM, International Motorcycling Federation) convened via video conference for their annual General Assembly. MCC (Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada) has been petitioning to become the Canadian FIM Affiliate for several years now. FIM allows one affiliate in each country. For the last 70 years, Canada’s representative has been the CMA (Canadian Motorcycle Association). CMA has had little participation in international racing for the last few decades. During this time, there has been an overwhelming desire to rekindle international competition in Canada across all disciplines.
MCC’s quest to become Canada’s affiliate requires that the CMA first lose their standing with FIM. In 2020, FIM leadership made a motion to Expel CMA from FIM. This motion was brought to the floor on January 29, 2021. The motion required a two-thirds majority of votes by the FIM Voting Delegates present to pass, as opposed to a simple majority. The vote fell short by 5 votes and although a majority was reached with 59% voting in favour of removing CMA, it did not meet the required threshold of 66%. 11 members abstained from voting, thus making the odds of reaching a two-thirds majority difficult to achieve. MCC was not afforded the opportunity to be considered because CMA was not expelled as the current Canadian FIM Affiliate.
While MCC is disappointed that it will not become the FIM Affiliate for Canada at this time, the membership continues to focus on positioning the organization to be the obvious and logical choice for this important role. MCC Board Chair Chris Bourque states, “I continue to be baffled by an organization like CMA, that does nothing with their affiliation, yet refuses to let it go. All the while, young and upcoming competitors are hamstrung to test their mettle against global competitors.”
There is also frustration within the Canadian motorcycle racing community, including racers and promoters. Veteran motorcycle journalist Colin Fraser, who produces the Canadian Superbike series for TSN says “The path for Canadian racers to the world stage has been severely compromised for the last 4 decades, and we really need to change with the times.” Justin Thompson, CEO at Jetwerx International and the Triple Crown Series states, “Jetwerx continues to support the MCC bid for FIM Affiliation, for the good of the sport and for Canada.”
For now, MCC will continue to work diligently on behalf of racers and riders across Canada. According to Bourque, “In 2021 we will continue to make MCC stronger and even better positioned to take on the responsibility of leading Canada back to competitive motorcycling at the international level through FIM Affiliation.”