Jean Christophe Bujold Injured at JWTF
We’ve just learned that speedy Quebec rider Jean-Christophe Bujold has suffered a broken femur while practicing down at Jimmy Weinert’s Training Facility (JWTF) down in North Carolina.
From JC’s Facebook page:
“During my week of training at JWTF I had bad luck on a big step-up that [earned me a ride in a] helicopter to the hospital in Greenville, North Carolina.
My first real ‘visit’ to the hospital has [resulted in] a fracture of the femur. I have been operated on [just] now. I’m fine [and] the doctor told me I could start over [with] practice in about a month. I have access to the internet here if you want to write to me.”
We’re sorry to hear about your injury, JC. Take care of yourself and get well soon, from all of us here at Direct Motocross.
Go write him a ‘get well’ message on Facebook:

Get well soon, JC. – Jean-Christophe Bujold Facebook photo