International Motorcycle Supershow and CMRC/AMO Awards Banquet Photos
By Billy Rainford
It’s bike show season across the continent. The first one on the list here in Southwestern Ontario is the International Motorcycle Supershow at the International Centre in Toronto. If you’re wondering if motorcycling is strong in the area, trying to find a parking spot for an hour should be enough to tell you it is. Seriously, getting forced to drive all over the place looking for a spot was almost enough to make a person turn around and go home. Of course, the two ladies at the Will Call booth managed to put a positive spin on it, but it was still a huge drag.
Once inside, Jeff McConkey and I wandered around looking for anything moto related. To be honest, we had more luck finding a new black leather cowboy hat with tassels than we did finding a new motocross bike to look at. There weren’t any. We finally managed to find Brett Lee and Mark Perrin in their Parts Canada TransCan booth which just happened to be beside the guys who were streaming the Supercross Race Day Live coverage, so that was a nice bonus. They weren’t even near all the kids in the MX Stars of Tomorrow area, but they pointed us in their direction, so off we went.
Here are a few shots from our day in Toronto.

I apologize to everyone in this shot at the Parts Canada TransCan shot, but it was the best one I got. We posted up here for a while by the fire watching the Supercross Race Day Live show across the aisle.

Parts Canada and Honda Canada had a little course set up for new riders to get the feel of a motorcycle on. It was busy.

Marco Cannella at his booth. Check out that Loretta Lynn’s Championship Shield in the bottom middle. That thing is like winning an Oscar for an amateur mxer!

Jake Tricco shared the space with Marco. I don’t think younger brother Luke looked up from his phone once while we were there.

This was about as close to the Corduroy Enduro Jeff was willing to get after his early exit from the event this past summer. OK, I actually had to force him to get THIS close! Next year, Jeff?

Speedster Nick Jones has made the switch to the ice for the winter.

The Rogers boys really have the hang of the marketing side of the sport. Polite and great spokespeople for moto.

We had to wait to get the new graphics kit in place.

Nick was ready for his close-up though.

Alexandra was all smiles Saturday at the show.

Our guy, Mitch Goheen, has a nice feature in the GP Bikes catalog.

Still waiting…

#317 Cooper Larche spends a lot of time racing south of the border. Black numbers on white for 2016? Maybe…

It was nice to see Kyle Stephens hanging out with his mom, Donna, at the show. He spends his time doing one-on-one coaching/training these days.

There we go. All ready for his photo now. Looking good!

Wendy Snelgrove and Donna Stephens were in charge of the CMRC booth.

Chantal at her MX Stars of Tomorrow booth.

We walked all over the place checking out the bikes. I have a rather strange taste in bikes, I’ll admit it.

I’m not even 100% sure I know what this sticker means…

My watch must be really slow. Someone tell me when 15 minutes have passed…Kidding. Kidding. Paul Jr. was on hand and there was a massive line to get a photo with him.

Hey, Shawn Robinson, does this give you any ideas?

My new pit bike?

Kind of raises more questions than it answers, no?

I apologize for the profanity, but we’ll give you a few minutes to peruse before the tour moves on…

It’s that time of year when it can pay off to meet as many industry people as you can for the upcoming season. Ryder Heacock (left) is on the lookout for some 2016 support.

Our Gamma Powersports friends were there with a tidy display. Who gave Jeff Fullerton the weekend off?

I told Brett Lee I would use this shot, so here it is.

Ya, that’s right, I like scooters. So?!

Did you know that, at Airport Road, Highway 7 is Queen Street? I didn’t and ended up way too far north and basically missed the AMO/CMRC Provincial Awards Banquet at Dave and Buster’s in Vaughn.

It seems any time I’m at an event these days #424 Austin Watling is receiving an award. See!

Mark Perrin showing some dexterity here as he works his phone and Austin’s camera…sorta.

The proud Watling clan with the ‘Rider of the Year’ at the end of the night.

Randy Wiebe getting things ready to go at the end of the night. See you at the races…