Frid’Eh Update #7 | Bobby Kiniry Podcast | Brought to You by RP Race Performance

Welcome to Week #7 of the DMX Frid’Eh Update brought to you by RP Race Performance. I’m currently sitting in Salon 108 at the Enercare Centre in the Toronto Exhibition grounds for the Toronto Motorcycle and Powersport Show. It’s Day 1 here for the show and I’ve just made one quick loop of the show floor before coming back to the media room to get this podcast up.

Actually, I just chatted with Kevin Tyler from the MX101 Yamaha team for about 45 minutes and we still don’t know who his 450 rider is! The rumour going around was that he’s after former AMA Pro Motocross champion Zach Osborne, but then we heard he would be riding for the Club MX team. Well, that plan doesn’t look to be moving forward, so will we see him up here in Canada? I don’t think I’d bet against it.
Jetwerx has a really cool area in the centre of the show floor to concentrate on all things moto. Great idea to give like-minded two-wheel enthusiasts a place to congregate. I’ll head back over there once this podcast is up and maybe grab a few interviews and photos of what’s going on around here.
We don’t have a #7 in Canadian Moto this year. However, when you think of #7 here who do you think of? Yep, us too (Sorry, Morgan Burger).
Bobby Kiniry is from New York State and came up through the ranks as a very sought-after rider down south. He raced AMA from 2003 to 2013 while blending his time in our series before racing here full time. He was a crowd and rider favourite because of his no-nonsense approach to the sport. You would never here an excuse from this guy. Never.

He always understood our side of the sport, too, and was quick to give us his time for interviews. When I contacted him this week for this interview, he said exactly what he always said whenever we’d aski him for an interview back in his racing days: “Whatever you need.”
I’m always happy when I talk to a former racer and learn that they’re thriving in a post-moto world, and that’s exactly what we found here with Bobby. You may or may not believe what he’s doing these days.

Bobby’s racing career was cut about one year short when he crashed at the Sarnia Arenacross in 2015. Let’s just say that when he finally got in to see his doctor back in New York, they, once again, told him “This is the worst I’ve ever seen...”
Bobby once taped his dislocated and broken jaw up (I dropped the hard drive that has this photo, so let’s hope it’s retrievable) to race the second moto at River Glade MX in Moncton, New Brunswick, so when he tells us he knew his career was over as he laid on the very hard AX ground, you can imagine just how much pain he must have been in.
Do you know that he also lost his gear bag on a flight to Nanaimo, BC then had 2 flat tires and still podiumed? He did.
In this podcast, we take a walk down memory lane (talking in detail about a few of his more famous crashes and top finishes) and also get into details about what keeps him busy these days. Remember how you would have had to be a complete idiot to mess with this guy back in the day? Well, that is even more on the nose these days! Give it a listen and you’ll know what I’m talking about.
Here’s our almost 1-hour, 18-minute conversation with Bobby…er, Robert Kiniry:
Find it wherever you get your podcasts.

It’s a week of from the Monster Energy AMA Supercross Series this week, but we’ve got a fresh layer of snow in Ontario, so I’m not sure what I’ll do with this time. I’ll be heading down to Florida for the Daytona Supercross and all the rest of the races that take place right around that time, including the AMA Arenacross and GNCC in Palatka.
I still haven’t sold the DMX Van to make room for something new. In fact, I’m waffling about what to go with for the next vehicle! Go big or go home, I guess…
OK, I’ll get wandering around the bike show for a while longer. I’m here with Greg Poisson from MDS. He’s wearing the Bob the Cooler hat this weekend. I’ve already had way too much coffee but I doubt I’ll let that stop me from having just the one more…
Posting a podcast in these things always seems like the easy way out, but this one is pretty long, so I don’t feel so guilty. Enjoy.
Have a great weekend, everyone.

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