Frid’Eh Update #52 | Blake Osatchuk Interview | Presented by Yamaha Motor Canada
By Billy Rainford

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone out there. It’s Week #52 for the DMX Frid’Eh Update Presented by Yamaha Motor Canada. As you can probably guess, we’re going to keep this one short. It’s Christmas Day and I wasn’t going to bother anyone today or this past week.
Fortunately, #52 Blake Osatchuk was kind enough to take some time out of his busy week to chat with us.
We wish you all the sincerest of best wishes for health and happiness throughout the holidays and into the New Year.
Here’s what Blake had to say when we got in touch with him.
Direct Motocross: Hello, Blake. Thanks for taking some time with us today. You get the honour of having your Frid’Eh Update week fall directly on Christmas Day. Let’s let people get to know you a little bit, shall we? How old are you and where are you from? Is that where you still call home today?
Blake Osatchuk: Hey, Billy, thanks for having me. Oh dang, I’m old now! Haha. I just joined the dirty 30’s Club in October. I was born and raised in Saskatoon, SK. I bounce between Saskatoon and Regina now since I mostly work in the Regina area.
How did you first get started in Motocross?
I got a pretty late start in 2002 when I was 12. My parents bought an acreage that came with a couple of old bikes, so that was my first time ever riding a dirt bike. I sucked soo bad. Haha.

What was your first number and why did you chose it?
My first number was 2 until I figured out how things worked. Then to 20, then 202. Mostly inspired by Jeremy McGrath with his big number 2.
Who was your MX hero when you were young?
Jeremy McGrath was definitely the first inspiration of mine, without a doubt. But Chad Reed ended up being my favourite as the years went on.
Who did you come up through the ranks with?
I feel like I didn’t really have a ton of people that I came through the ranks with except my 2 buddies, Lucas Bachman and Evan Montgomery. It always seemed different every year and lots of people faded away. But mainly the guys that were a class or 2 ahead of me like Codie Rouse, Shawn Maffenbeier, Broc Shury, Kevin Humeny, Kyle Murphy, and Brendon Arnett.
What year did you turn Pro and how did that one go?
I believe I turned Pro in 2010 or 2011. All I remember was my first national was in Calgary in the 450 class and it was the muddiest I have ever seen Calgary. My chain jammed up and broke in a corner half way through so it went pretty bad. Haha.

What’s been your best Pro National event over the years?
Thats a tough one, I would just say Arenacross in general is my best. But I’d say Calgary or Kamloops for outdoors.
You didn’t make it to Ontario this past summer to race the restricted Nationals. What did you get up to this past summer racing season?
Nah, I didn’t make it out there. I’ve actually never been out east. Just due to all the restrictions and having to work and not being a filthy rich person, I couldn’t take the whole summer off. Lol.
I got a lot of riding in at my private track and spent a lot of time riding sand at the track ‘n trail in Saskatoon. Honestly, I mostly just had a ton of fun riding and getting better without any race pressure or anything like that.
You usually do a lot of Arenacross racing across the border in the USA.Were you able to do that this year?
I got in some Supercross Futures stuff at the start of the year and an Arenacross in March, but that was the last time I was down there. It really bums me out not getting to race and see all my friends down there, but it was also really good to be home for once. There’s always an upside to everything!

You raced a few rounds of the FWM AX this season. I guess you didn’t buy a membership because you’re not in the results. How did those go for you?
Yeah, I took a bit of time off work so I could hit up 4 rounds just to have some fun and get comfy on my YZ250f. Wasn’t too worried about results as long as I made some improvements. Haha. They were fun! Lots of really fast guys showed up that were on another level, but I learned some things, had fun and walked away in one piece, so I can’t complain, really!
You didn’t come back for the next rounds. Why not?
I really wanted to make it back, but again having a full-time job and being a privateer on my own dime, I still have to pay the bills and be smart financially so I can continue to keep racing in the future.
What have you been doing since we last saw you in Chilliwack?
I got in a bit more outdoors before the snow hit and other than that it’s just been business as usual for me. Work, going to the gym and just having fun when ever I can fit it in!

What do you do for work?
I’m a Journeyman Scaffolder. So I mainly just get to climb around like a monkey on industrial sites building platforms in spots that people are too scared to get too. Haha. Also, I’ve been doing MX graphics (Wyldchilddesigns)
What will you do this winter?
I’m going to make a point of snowboarding a bunch this winter (whoever wants to join is welcome!) Haha. I’m also going to be wishing I could ride my dirt bike. But until restrictions lift, I’ll be staying in Canada.
Do you have racing plans for next season?
I’m not even sure what the national schedule is supposed to look like for next season. But if there are western rounds I’ll be going to those along with any other one-off local races and stuff like that. Might be the year for me to venture out east if I can figure a plan out in time.
What does the future look like for you?
That is a bit of a loaded question. Lol. As far as racing goes though, I’m going to hopefully get back into the arena and get to some more Supercross races. Mainly just enjoy my life and ride till I can’t walk anymore.

OK, since it’s Christmas Day, you have to tell us what your favourite Christmas movie is?
I have a few, but If I had to pick one it would be The Grinch!
Thank you very much for talking with us. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. See you somewhere soon. Who would you like to thank?
You betcha!! Just a big shout out to everyone who supported me again in a really weird year of racing: Proline Motorsports & Marine, Strikt, Mika Metals, Flow Vision, Guts Racing, Works Connection, RG3 Western Canada, FMF, Supplement King Saskatoon, all my friends and family and most of all “Chevy” the best mechanic a guy could ask for! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year everybody! See ya in 2021!