Frid’Eh Update #50 | Jason Burke | Brought to You by Race Tech
By Billy Rainford

Race Tech Suspension has over 36 years of creating hi-performance suspension solutions for motorcycles, ATVs, UTVs, and snowmobiles. RT specializes in revalving stock suspension components using proven Gold Valve Kits that can be user or dealer installed. RT can rebuild most stock and aftermarket suspension components. For many models RT manufactures complete replacement Custom G3-S Shocks and G6 Forks that utilize Gold Valve technology.
Race Tech Engines offer state-of-the-art, precision engine services, including CNC porting, and parts to all engine builders. RT specializes in optimizing flow and velocity by utilizing flow bench, dyno, and track testing. Our staff has over 65 years of championship-winning engine development experience formally educated by the World’s most renowned engineers.
Support includes a global network of Race Tech Centers to do quality installations. RT also provides tools, online instructions, tech support, Seminars and Race Tech’s Motorcycle Suspension Bible.

Welcome to Week #50 of the DMX Frid’Eh Update this week brought to you by Race Tech. Just because it’s another “off week: doesn’t mean there isn’t a bunch of stuff going on in our sport. As we’re leading up to another start of a new Supercross season, things are really heating up.
Teams have all been solidified and press releases have gone out with shiny rider and riding photos and videos to go along with them. We’re also heading into the first season of SuperMotocross and World Supercross where there are more than just 2 rounds of WSX. Will these two giant organizations be able to play nicely together or are we heading for a showdown worthy of a Marvel or DC movie? As they said in the Dodge Hemi commercials, we’re about to find out!
Jason Burke from Burlington, Ontario, was #50 in 2022 but we never saw him line up for a Pro National with the number. Jay is a rider we’ve all known for a long time. I remember when I first moved back to Ontario from Vancouver mistakenly calling him “Sean” Burke in most of my Photo Reports. Sean was the backup goalie for the Vancouver Canucks back in the day.
Jay has entered the category of Moto Dad and actually has 3 kids on two wheels now! He races locally and then takes care of his kids as they move their way up the ranks. It’s going to be fun to watch him on the line with his kids just like we have so many former top pro riders doing the same. Whose kid will come out on top? Just kidding, there’s no pressure…
I got in touch with Jay this week to see what the super-busy business owner is up to and what his plans are for his racing future. Here’s what he had to say:

Direct Motocross: Hello, Jay. We didn’t see you on the line in the Pro Nationals this season to run your #50 but we saw you a few times. Let’s back up to 2021 when you raced a few Nationals to earn the #50. Your best finish was a 15th. How were you feeling in 2021? Happy with your results?
Jay Burker: I was out there for fun when the world was shut down. I was surviving in those races, barely in shape, just trying to keep up with Max Filipek (works with me).

You did the first 4 rounds but then didn’t go east or race the final Walton. How come?
The sport got me again. Broken scaphoid at Sand Del Lee practice, tried to race the first moto, landed on lap 1 – cut my losses and watched the rest of that weekend then just went to events for the kids.
This season, we didn’t see you on the line at all. Why did you decide not to line up this summer?
I am done with the Pro stuff. I’m enjoying vet and seeing my 3 boys race – crazy 50 dad (looking for more sponsors for 50cc).
You did race some AMO Amateur stuff though. You raced +25 and the Cash Class. Did you have some fun on the track this summer?
We were at almost all the AMO Amateur events that did not conflict with the kids’ lacrosse. I raced most of them. Kids were chasing championships. The kids set the schedule now – they want to race. (still looking for sponsors to go with our FXR Gear)

Like a lot of our “aging” top pro riders, you’ve got young Beckett Burke at the races now. How do you like being a Moto Dad?
After chasing the 50cc provincial championship last year (and taking the Western Ontario title) Beckett is up to 65cc this year. Now we’ll be chasing the 50cc (4-6) championship with Bryson and cheering on Bowen – our tyke bandit – who raced the fall at 3 ½ and will probably race next year. (Open to sponsorship opportunities).
What kind of dad are you on race day? Are you just happy the kids are smiling or is dinner on the line?
I’ve learned that each kid needs a different kind of Moto Dad on race day – trying to accommodate. Learned that being too hard on them results in worse results so aiming for safe, fun weekends together and continuous improvement. I tell Meag all the bike part shipments help make the bike safer but some of the stuff is just for looks.
What is it you do for work?
Plumbing and fabrication. Like to mix it up – check out @journeyplumbing on Instagram.

How old are you now and are you going to be racing again in 2023?
36 – local race hero still. You’ll see me beating up on the kids – at least for the first few laps.
Looking back over your years of chasing the Nationals, is there a race or a memory that stands out for you?
Not really – just being able to do it carefree, my way.
Would you do anything differently if you could do it all again?
I don’t think so – I did it my way which may be why I still love the sport.
Is that the advice you’d give to someone just starting out in the their Pro careers?
Do it your way, because you love it. It’s short-lived, give it everything or go get a normal job.

As someone who has seen it all, how would you rate the health of our sport right now and why?
Canada only – we don’t chase US races, but the Amateur scene in bumpin’ in Ontario. The Pro National tour still attracts the top talent, and I think there is effort and passion behind it, it just seems they’re trying to do too much with too little. I’d like to see fewer, better events.
Would you enjoy all the social media commitments that come with racing jobs these days if you were on a team?
Probably not. Max manages the social media for work .
You’ve always been someone I’ve enjoyed interviewing at the races. There was never any sugar-coating and I always said, “If you don’t want the answer, don’t ask Jay Burke!” I appreciate all of your time over the years and it’s going to be fun watching young Beckett move through his career with you chasing him around. Merry Christmas, and would you like to thank anyone?
Thanks, Billy. After so many years it’s nice to still squeak into these weekly interviews. Appreciate it. Enjoy the holidays.
I’ve got a few long time supporters – FXR Racing, Steve Simms Racing, MP1, Sunguard Awnings, 100%, Peak Powersports.
Catching Up with Daniel Elmore
#13 Daniel Elmore from Telkwa, BC finished 7th overall in the 2022 Canadian Triple Crown 450 MX Nationals and ended the season with a 4th place in the final moto at Walton Raceway. And yet, the quiet-but-fast rider finds himself on the outside looking in when it comes to a ride for the upcoming season.
From having his bikes stolen right before the season started to riding through a couple injuries, Daniel proved he’s made of special stuff last year. We know he’s about to head back to Club MX to train so we wanted to catch up with him to talk about last season and find out what he’s got planned for 2023.

Direct Motocross: Hey, Daniel. Hope you’re having a great Holiday Season. I wanted to grab you for a chat to see where you are and what your plans are. Let’s start by looking back at the 2022 season.You traveled with your little brother again, right? How does that arrangement work for you guys? Do you get along at the beginning AND the end of the series?
Daniel Elmore: Hi, Billy! It’s going pretty good, thanks. Yah, my brother traveled with me the entire season. He raced the amateur day and I would mechanic for him and then we reverse the roles on pro day. We got along pretty well for the most part. Haha. Had a few moments but that’s just how it goes as brothers.
Did you park your trailer at Gopher Dunes when it made sense again like the year before? How was the travel?
Yes, we spent a lot of the time at Gopher Dunes! They’ve been really awesome with letting me stay there. The travel was great, also travelled with some buddies from back in the 85 days. Had a lot of fun in the off time!
You ended up 7th in 450 MX and were pretty much always a threat for a top 5-7. You came out with a solid 5th at Round 1. Did you feel like that was where you belonged in Kamloops?
Yah, I think I belong there. There’s always doubts coming into the season of how good you are but that all went out the window about 10 minutes into the second moto at Kamloops. I just started passing guys, got a little lucky, but I even went down with two laps to go, so I realized I was at that level.

Take us through what happened at Round 2 and how it was getting back. Did you almost turn around and go home for the year?
Yah, that one was a bummer. I was running around 7th in the first moto and just high-sided right before the finish line. I separated both my shoulders the year before so I knew instantly that’s what I did. Usually you can finish with that but it was way too painful. I found out I ended up fracturing my collarbone as well. I did end up going home for 2 weeks but I knew I would be back. I came back for Walton 1 only 3 weeks out.
You finished out the eastern swing and ended it with a very solid 4th in moto 2 at the final round at Walton. Was that your best ride of the year?
100%! First moto seemed like I was alone in 7th for most of it. Second moto I was in the first turn pile up and came from around 28th to 4th by the finish! I passed about 24 guys! I will definitely remember that one forever.
Oh ya, I forgot you were down at the start! You did the Ontario rounds of the AX Tour, too. How did that go for you?
Can we not talk about this? Haha. I had a brutal crash 3 days before Gopher injuring my ankle pretty bad. The bike hit neutral tripling into the rhythm and it was a yardsale from there. I just laid there for like 5 minutes, it did not feel good. I did the best I could but there’s only so much you can do. I’m still doing physio now.
I remember you trying to ride on that foot. Is the indoor game something that interests you?
Yes, I do enjoy it for sure. This year was just unfortunate for indoors.
What did you do after that? Do you have a 9-5 job when you’re not racing?
Well, I came home and got to work. haha. I’m currently working in forestry and it’s for sure not 9-5. I really don’t like working outside in our winters up here, but I’m putting in the hours to help pay for this racing thing I do. Haha!

Circling back, you had bikes stolen before the 2022 season and still made it happen. How difficult was it to actually do the whole series last summer, financially?
Yah, that one hurt. Ben (Graves) the trainer at Club walked up to me and said they had a break in last night. I knew what he was going to say next, it just felt awful. It was definitely a hard time but between my parents and Kourtney Lloyd we were able to get a couple bikes for the season. If it wasn’t for them I don’t know if I could have made it for the season, especially having them stolen in April.
And now you’re getting ready to head back down to Club MX, right? When will you leave and how long will you stay there?
Yah, that’s right! I’m planning on mid-January, but it does depend a bit on how much money I can earn or funding I can come up with by then.
Hey, Mike Bonacci told me a story about how you took off on your bicycle, rode all the way to Myrtle beach, surfed, and the rode back to Club! It’s 183km each way! What were you thinking?!
Honestly, it’s insane how this story got around! Haha. It was in 2021 during the Christmas break at Club so there wasn’t any training going on for a few days and I got bored. I had always wanted to do a 100k ride so I decided to go almost double and combine it with a surfing weekend. Why not, right? About half way there I was regretting it in the moment but no regrets now that’s for sure! It’s one of those things I look back on and am glad I did.

So, at this point, it seems like you’re on the outside looking in as far as a full ride is concerned for 2023. Have you been talking with any teams? How is it looking?
I have talked to almost every team now. Honestly, I don’t know anymore. We’ll see but it doesn’t look promising.
What if you don’t get major support for next season? What will you do?
Same as this last year. The amount of time and stress it takes to race as a privateer at this level is brutal, I just don’t have the resources that the teams do. Something as simple as suspension takes me months to dial in and then I go to a track if it doesn’t handle right I just have to deal with it. But that’s just how it is right now and I’m willing to do whatever it takes.
You’re a pretty quiet guy. Results can speak for themselves, but do you think forcing yourself out of that might help you? Is that something you think about?
Yah, I’m usually pretty quiet. Results definitely speak, but I have learned that getting out there and getting to know people in the motocross industry matters. I don’t just think about it… I’m working on it! Haha
Well, you’re a rider who is on the short list of those capable of top 5 performances. We’re hoping you get the support you need to make this easier for you to do well. Keep plugging away and good luck with it all. Who would you like to thank, Daniel?
Thanks, Billy, I appreciate it! The list is huge, obviously. First off are my parents, I’m 20 years old and their still helping where they can and for that I am super grateful. And a huge thank you to Kourtney Lloyd and Cycle North, she helps in every way possible and, if I’m being completely honest, I don’t think I would’ve made it through the entire year if it wasn’t for her support. And then there’s Skiptooth Forestry, OTW Canada, Fly Racing, North Country Rentals, Driftwood Diamond Drilling, Northcoast Equipment, Atlas Brace, FMF Vision, Bell Helmets, TCX Boots, Mobius Brace, Seco Seatcovers, Torc1 Racing, Dirt Tricks, DT1 Filters, Mika Metals and Works Connection! And also thank you to all the fans that turned up this year! I’ve never experienced that before, it was really cool!

This Week’s Podcasts

I’ve linked the Apple Podcast site under each person’s name. You can find them all wherever you get your podcasts.
Kourtney Lloyd talks about WSX, Paris SX, and what’s next.
Steve Simms takes us through his injury ordeal.
Out of the Blue | Rachael Marie Archer | Brought to You by Schrader’s
By Jensen Amyotte
Photos: screen grabs from her Instagram page @rachael_archer650

Name: Rachael Marie Archer
Date of Birth: 20 November, 2001
Hometown: Cambridge, New Zealand
Occupation: Professional off-road racer Factory Yamaha
Race Number: 1 / 650
Bike: YZ250fx
Classes: WXC, Women’s Pro, AA

Who/what inspired you to get into the sport of off-road and how long have you been racing/riding?
I grew up on 2500 acres of cattle farm and up until the age of 6 my dad was a pro racer in NZ. I also have 3 big brothers that all gained national titles in their teenage years. I started riding at 3 years old on a Chinese import 2-stroke my dad picked up at a convenience store for $150 because of a recall, so he fixed it up and I rode it for 2 years until getting a CRF50 at 5.
When not on a dirt bike, how do you keep yourself busy? Are you involved in any other sports or extracurricular activities?
As a professional racer it’s important for me to get away from dirt bikes sometimes as much as I love them. I love to workout, scuba dive in the summer and water sports , hanging out with my buddies and I love to cook also!
As a racer, are there any obstacles you feel a female racer has to deal with that maybe a male racer does not?
Definitely, the urge to keep up with the boys can be very taxing and I actually developed Epstein Barr virus in 2021 from over-training and always trying to keep up with the boys. It taught me a lot about the female body and also training methods in order to train smarter not harder. I’ve had 3 Epstein Barr flare ups since august 2021 and I’ve finally got a grip on it. Learning how to control heart rate and putting a huge emphasis on fuelling and recovery has been a big part.
From your first ride to where you are now what is something you never thought you would be able to overcome but have?
I’m a very optimistic person so I’ve never ever doubted myself in anything with riding. If I have a weakness I work on it until I master it. I never stop learning and if someone has advice I take it because I believe you can learn something from anybody.

Who is your all-time favourite rider and why?
My dad. He taught me how to ride and always pushed me to be the best. He’s my best friend and number one supporter and fan. He never limited me and watching him push himself to the limits in his own career showed me what it takes to be a champion.
What is your favourite track and why?
I don’t have a particular track, I just love to ride my bike!
What event do you look forward to most every year, one you don’t ever want to miss?
Big Buck GNCC! Opening round of the season and always an awesome track.
Who has been your biggest inspiration/hero on and off the track?
My dad, but also Paul Whibley. He coached me for years before I moved to America and he has won multiple GNCC titles himself. He always believed in me and taught me a lot of racecraft.
Do you have any pre-moto rituals?
On race morning I have an order that I do things in. I wake up at 7am eat breakfast, leave camper by 7:45 and look at first mile of the track, go to race truck and organize my hand-off bottles and give them to my mechanic, race meeting at rig at 8:45, get changed at 9 and get on my bike and set sag and then ride to start line at 9:45. Race starts at 10.

Tell us about your 2022 race season.
It started off with a bang, I won the first 5 races (2 GNCC and 3 NEPG). The next few races I had one mechanical, a gnarly crash, and then at round 6 realized I had Epstein Barr flare up, my HR was 196 average in a 2-hour race! I led the first hour and then my body hit a wall and I couldn’t breathe. I fell back to 3rd and adrenaline got me to the finish.
I raced 2 NEPG’s after that race with Epstein Barr and then we had summer break. During summer break I didn’t ride at all and I hardly had the energy to get out of bed. Luckily, after 7 weeks of resting and therapy, I was able to get on top of it and get back to my old self and win more races after summer break to clinch the GNCC WXC title!
What are your biggest accomplishments to date?
2022 WXC GNCC champion.
What is the biggest lesson that motocross racing/ off-road has taught you so far?
Work ethic, resilience, gratitude. Racing has taught me so much about life, common sense and being a problem solver is all part of the roll.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I’m only 21 and I just won my first GNCC title so I would like to win a few more of those before I retire from racing!
Are there any females out there who you feel have paved the way for other girls to be successful in motocross or off road?
I think there are a lot of women that have had a big impact on racing. To name a few that I’ve seen over the years of racing: Becca Sheets, Mackenzie Tricker, Courtney Duncan, Jessica Patterson, Tayla Jones. I actually battled for a championship with Becca Sheets in 2020 and 2021. I was 18 in 2020 and she was 26 with 10 years experience, so I definitely learned a lot from her just to be able to ride and battle with her.
What kind of track/dirt do you feel you excel at most and why?
I do well in the sand. I’ve spent a lot of time training in the sand at facilities and I have a lot of endurance which helps a lot in the long races. I also do well in the really technical conditions and deep rutty clay, as that’s the kind of riding I grew up doing with my dad and friends.

If you ever have children will you give them the option to race as well?
Yes. I think riding and racing teaches you so many life skills that kids don’t learn today. Of course I will let my kids pursue their passions and if that’s riding then I’m all for it! Otherwise, I will support whatever they want to do!
If you could give 1 piece of advice to a female of any age who wants to start riding, what would it be?
Don’t be discouraged to dabble in a male-dominated sport! Just have a go and don’t worry about anyone’s opinion.
What was your first fear when you started riding and how did you overcome it?
River crossings… we had one deep river crossing on the farm and I wasn’t strong enough to ride through without being swept over when I was 4 on my 50 and my dad would always make me go through. One day I got swept over the little waterfall on the side and I was terrified for 2 years until I got big enough to hold myself through it.
What was your first race number and how did you choose it?
My first number was 65. It was allocated to me by my club.
Do you see yourself ever competing in the Canadian WMX Triple Crown series?
Not at this stage, I’m pretty busy with the 2 series I race now.
What are your thoughts on the Canadian WMX Triple Crown series?
It looks like an awesome series and they always get a big turnout which is great to see!

What do you like to do in the off season?
I usually fly back to NZ for Christmas and catch up with friends and family, go to the beach, scuba dive and eat all the good food!
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What I do now – Pro racer!
Who would you like to thank?
My parents for giving me all the opportunities, my race team owner, Randy Hawkins, for giving me the opportunity to come to America and race pro when I was 17, all my current sponsors, my mechanic, Derek Spangler, for the hard work he puts in so my bikes are always perfect, and my race family!

Kaven Benoit Explains His Comeback to Journal Express

We plugged Kaven Benoit‘s interview with into Google Translate for the English-speaking fans of the former champion:
MOTOCROSS. The call of competition was too strong for Kaven Benoit. Four years after having abandoned his passion, the pilot originally from Notre-Dame-du-Bon-Conseil is making a comeback in the Canadian motocross championship.
Over the past few days, Kaven Benoît announced his return to the KTM professional team through a funny video posted on social media. In 2023, the 34-year-old will be racing in the 250 class, formerly known as MX2.
“It’s not a project I had in mind, but when I was offered a place in the team, it reignited a little flame in me. There is always a bit of nostalgia when I think back to my two Canadian championships. It was in this class and on this bike that I had my two best years at national level, in 2014 and 2015. I thought about it for a long time, because it involves a lot of things, but I I finally chose to go for the adventure, ”said Kaven Benoît in an interview with L’Express.
Slowed down by various injuries, Kaven Benoît announced his retirement in 2018, shortly after finishing fifth in the Canadian championship in the 450 class. Over the past two summers, he has returned to the track in the Quebec motocross championship. Supported by the Yamaha dealer in Saint-Césaire, he won the Quebec title in 2021 and 2022.
“I had fun racing at the provincial level. It gave me the taste, but it was really a weekend hobby. By having the chance to have a racing team, which is not usual at the provincial level, I did not have to do any mechanics on my bike. I was not in great physical shape, but with my experience, I managed to hold my own,” said Kaven Benoit, who also continued to be involved as a motocross coach.
Dean’s Wisdom
Convinced of being able to compete with the best pilots in the country in the 250 class, Kaven Benoît nevertheless specifies that he will not aim for victory at all costs during each race. Despite his reputation as a daredevil, the veteran has mellowed over the years.
“In the past, the goal was always victory. I am confident that I can win races, but today I have a little voice that reminds me that I also have family responsibilities,” explained the father of two children aged 2 and 4.
“I know I still have what it takes to win, but I’m not going there to prove anything. If I feel victory is within reach I will go for it, but if I feel it is not my day I may accept a second or third place. By being a father, I will not take as many risks as before.”
At the age of 34, Kaven Benoît will be a true dean on the Canadian circuit. In the 250 class, the majority of riders are actually under 20 years old.
“I will be racing against youngsters who are barely half my age! I see it as a nice challenge. I’m really motivated. My biggest card in my game will be my experience. Mistakes, I don’t make many. Over a long season, this consistency can pay off,” said the former number 26, pointing out that the KTM team will also rely on one of the best young riders in the country in the 250 class.
Already back in training, Kaven Benoît will refine his preparation in the southern United States this winter, after having completed the self-construction of his house in Sainte-Perpétue. The Canadian Motocross Championship is set to get under way in early June in Western Canada. The best riders in the country should once again make a stop in Deschambault, Quebec.
In the 450 class, remember that Dylan Wright won the Canadian motocross championship in 2022. The Drummondville native of Ontario was dominant, winning each of the nine instalments of the national circuit.
Jakroo/DMX Cycling Kits Available

We’ve teamed up with Jakroo to make some slick DMX/Jakroo cycling kits available for purchase from the Canadian company.
Click HERE to go directly to the Direct Motocross store on the Jakroo site.
February Arenacross in Alberta
You read that right! Iron Horse Arenacross will be happening in Rimbey, Alberta (between Calgary and Edmonton),
ROUND 1 & 2 Need to Know!!
Thursday February 2 and 9
Organized Practice 9 am to 9pm
*Practice Schedule will be posted in online registration. You can sign up for the practice time slots you want to do.*
ROUND 1 &2 February 3,4
ROUND 3&4 February 10,11
Race Day Format:
Riders Meeting 7:30 am
3 lap practice starts 8 am. Goes through all classes.
9:30am to 5pm
Qualifiers: Top 4 to Night Show
LCQ’s: Top 2 to Night Show
6:30pm – 10:30pm NIGHT SHOW!!
*Classes and Online Registration will go live ASAP! First come first serve until classes are full. Please watch right here for Online Registration Announcement!*
***Todd and Les work full time jobs. Any questions will be answered asap. Usually evenings.***
Thank you all!!
Apply to Manage Team Canada MXON
Carl Bastedo has made the decision not to apply for the position in 2023, so that means the position is open to new applicants. Carl says he’s just too busy with everything going on with their BikeFace bicycle company and following a record year up at Motopark, he wants to give these two ventures his full attention.
I spoke to him about the comment last week on Twitter and he assured me that, although he regrets typing the oft-used term, he by no means meant any disrespect in using it and simply meant it the way he’s seen it called that over the years due to Vancouver’s connection.
Here is Article 6 outlining the position:
Article 6.doc
Article 6 – Participation in World Championship Team Events
Revision 4: March 15, 2019
- 01 Applications for Team Managers will be solicited on an annual basis. These are non salaried positions. However, travel and accommodation expenses may be paid if funds are available through fundraising or subsidies.
- 02 Candidates for the position of Team Manager, and other positions as identified, must hold a current CMA membership at the time of their application and it must remain valid for the duration of their performance in that position
- 03 Applications must be accompanied by a project plan including budget, fund raising, logistics, volunteer recruitment and team recruitment and selection.
- 04 Financial Control will remain with CMA administration.
- 05 Job Description – Team Manager Pre-Event
- In consultation with the CMA CEO create an Administrative Flow Chart.
- Cooperate and communicate with applicants and the CEO during the qualifying, selection and entry of team.
- Convene such meetings as are required for fund raising, acquiring trade support, equipment and supplies necessary for on site operation.
- Recommend composition of teams to CMA Administration. At Event
- Coordinate the activities of team, team managers and support crews
- Ensure documentation is obtained for all individuals
- Ensure supplies are obtained or available from trades, such as oil, chain, tires etc.
- Disburse funds for expenses
- Consult with Jury Member regarding problems or special information
- For ISDE only – hold daily meetings beginning at least 2 days prior to the start, with all personnel
– oversee scheduling of support crews to specific checks
– cooperate with other countries with respect to either or both being short handed at checks. Following the Event
• Prepare event and financial reports to be forwarded, through CMA Administration, to the Board
- 06 Distribution of Information
- Information on the event and an application for riders will be sent by CMA Administration to interested persons early each year.
- A fact sheet will be sent to each applicant, indicating the extent of their responsibilities, such as qualifying procedures if any, insurance, licensing, travel arrangements and costs. Supplementary Regulations for the event will be forwarded when they become available.
- Industry will be invited to participate in the project. Acceptance of trade offers to field teams will be at the discretion of the Board.
- 07 Rider Responsibilities
- The deadline for applications will be established annually as will the amount of any required deposit.
- Applicants for Motocross or Trial des Nations must have Expert status. For ISDE a minimum of Expert in Enduros, Cross Country, Motocross or Hare Scrambles. Intermediate riders who have gained points in the Masters Enduro class may be considered.
- For ISDE an additional deposit will be required at time of team selection. 95% will be refunded to those not selected and others who notify of their inability to participate by a stated deadline. Riders who opt out after selection will not receive a refund.
- The successful applicant will be responsible for obtaining all necessary travel and entry documents, including passport, Visa where required, medical coverage and FIM licence (from CMA), and green card insurance if required for the competition.
- Whenever possible, to take advantage of benefits for group travel, CMA will arrange team and machine transportation.
- 08 Team Selection
- ISDE – riders (not teams) will be selected by a designated deadline. Selection will be based on results from previous years, including ISDE performances, qualifier and event results from previous and current year. The team compositions will be made in compliance with the closing date for entries.
- Motocross of Nations – selection will be made by an established deadline and will be based on criteria to be established annually.
- Trial Des Nations – criteria will be established annually. The #1 Plate holder is automatically seeded.
- The Board may enlist the aid of Organizers in setting up qualifiers and may name a consultant to serve in an advisory capacity on team selection. Such consultant may not be connected with any motorcycle company involved in the competition.
- The Board may also appoint individuals to be responsible for some aspects of the project, such as fund raising, training of riders etc.
- 09 Financial and Sponsor Commitments
- Minor fund raising projects may not be undertaken without Board approval unless no costs are involved to CMA or the riders.
- Applicant deposits, where required will be used to cover FIM licence, insurance, uniform and assistance to Team Manager. Surplus funds will be used for team support at the event, and for travel/accommodation cost.
- Correspondence concerning arrangements for supplies shall be sent from head office (or approved by head office before sending) and confirmations obtained from the firms involved. This does not apply to arrangements made for an approved trade team by its sponsor.
OK, it’s the last weekend before the big one, so I hope everyone has some fun and stays safe over the net couple nights! The grass is actually still green here in Southwestern Ontario but they say we could get some snow tonight.
Try not to get too road ragey out on the streets.

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