Frid’Eh Update #43 | Brock Kelly | Presented by Yamaha Motor Canada
By Billy Rainford

Week #43 belongs to Brock Kelly who was born and raised in Ajax, Ontario, but now calls Pontypool home. Brock has been on the Pro scene for a few years but didn’t get the usual early start in the sport. He only managed to race one Canadian Triple Crown Series race this past summer but had his best performance of his career.
We talked with him about how things started, who he came up battling, and what his plans for the future are. Here’s what he had to say:
Direct Motocross: Hello, Brock. I think this is your first Frid’Eh Update Interview, so we’re going to have to take it back to the beginning. Can you tell us how old you are and where you grew up? And how did you get into MX in the first place?
Brock Kelly: I just turned 24 years old, and I grew up in Ajax, Ontario. I now live in Pontypool. I had a late start to racing dirt bikes and started when I was 14 years old.
I first got into riding dirt bikes because my uncle was always riding on his property and he would take me for trail rides. Then, fast forward a few years, I got my first dirt bike, which was a Chinese 90cc trail bike. Then, after seeing a Canadian pro motocross race on tv one Sunday, I was hooked to motocross racing.
And, as always, I have to ask you what your first race number was and how you chose it?
My first motocross number was 110. I chose it when I first started racing at a local motocross club called OCMC. They didn’t have transponders at that time and initially I wanted number 10 as that’s what number I played sports as earlier in my life. However, it was taken and 110 was the next lowest number available that I liked because it had a “10” in it. I stuck with that number until I got my first national number in pro motocross.
What other sports were you into?
I played lacrosse for a couple years until I was at the point to where I needed all new lacrosse gear and motocross gear. So I chose motocross because I enjoyed every aspect of it better and never turned back.

Who did you come up through the ranks racing?
My biggest competition as I grew up racing was Tanner Ward, Marco Cannella, and Austin Watling in the West end. Then, my biggest competition in the East was Jack Wright, Westen Wrozyna, Mitch Goheen and Nick Jones.
What year did you turn Pro and how did it go? What races did you do?
I qualified for my first pro race in 2017 in MX2 as an Intermediate racer. That year, I earned the MX2 Intermediate and Youth Intermediate/Pro championship. The goal that year was to get those championships and qualify for a pro motocross race, which I did! The following year, I got moved up to the pro class where, for money reasons and lack of support, I decided to go right to the MX1 class racing the East coast rounds.
Did you do any of the big American Amateur Nationals when you were younger?
We never went to the USA to do any races, as when I was younger we didn’t take racing that seriously. Then, when I did start taking it more seriously when I got faster, I had a job and wasn’t able to devote the time required to be successful south of the border.
Who was your motocross hero growing up and why?
When I first got into watching pro motocross I looked up to Ryan Dungey. I liked his back story how he got into the pro ranks. I also admired his attitude and respect on and off the track.

You earned #43 for the 2021 season. What was your best finish that year? Which races did you do?
My best finish was a 12th in MX1 at Sand Del Lee in 2020. I did all the outdoor motocross races that year, and that was my best finish of my career at that time. Due to COVID-19 there were only races in Ontario, so that meant I was able to race every round.
Moving on to the 2021 season, I only see your name in the results for the final round of the MX Nationals. First off, where were you all summer?
The initial plan was to race all the outdoor rounds again in 2021. However, there were promises made that did not get put into action. Long story short, I was unable to get a motorcycle to race for most of the season.
After waiting all year due to a bike shortage, I got my hands on a new 2021 YZ450F the week before the last outdoor round at Walton. I was able to keep in shape and stay on two wheels during the summer on my 2003 CR250 2-stroke. However, there is a rule stating I cannot race a bike that old in the pro class. So, I was able to get lots of practice in on that, just no gate drops until I got the new bike.
Once I got the new Yamaha, I wasn’t able to get enough time in on the motorcycle to get it dialled in as much as I would have wanted to because I work full-time during the week. However, we made it work and I made it to the last round and had arguably my best races of my career so far.

Wow. Can you take us through that round?
Going into the race weekend I had a bike that was not fully set up for me. It was a totally bone stock bike that just rolled off the dealer floor the week before. So, going into the weekend the mindset was to just race and have fun. No expectations.
After the first gate drop I found myself in 12th place. I was able to pass up to 8th place by the 5th lap. I held that position for a few laps until I crashed. The bars were bent and I rang my bell a little bit, but I was able to pass back up to 17th place.
And the second moto I was very stiff and the bars were bent, so I ended up 17th again. 16th overall for the weekend.
Even though I crashed, I felt that the first moto was my best race of my career. Passing some very fast guys to get into 8th place, I saw that I do have the speed for a top-10 finish. So, I am excited for 2022.
What do you do for work?
I work for a utility company as a Forestry Technician for my full-time job. My main duty is to inspect trees to make sure they wont grow in or fall onto the power lines. I am also an arborist. I have a small business alongside my full-time job where we prune/remove trees.
What have you been doing since the season ended?
I have been riding some local practice tracks to stay on the bike and putting in lots of time working both my jobs, saving money for the 2022 motocross season.
What are your winter plans?
I bought a snowmobile for the first time, so I plan on doing lots of trail riding and free-riding. I also snowboard. But I would ideally like to go down south to get some pre-season moto training in, however, we will have to wait and see what the COVID-19 traveling protocol is at that time, as I can’t take months off of work at a time.

Will you race the entire series in 2022, assuming we’re going to be going across the entire country again?
It would be a dream come true to race the full motocross series. However, in reality I don’t have the money and resources required to go all the way out West to race. I will definitely do the East coast rounds in 2022, whether I have support or not. Of course, it is always easier racing when there are people supporting my efforts financially, but if I have to keep racing out of my own pocket, the east coast is what I can afford.
With my father and girlfriend by my side at the track, we are a great team and we will keep on racing! Every year I have raced so far we have made huge improvements from our goal being to simply qualify and finish races, to getting top 15 overalls in the premiere class. We have our sights set on getting top 10 overalls in MX1 in 2022.
Ok, thanks for playing along with us today. Good luck in the future and who would you like to thank?
First off, I have to thank my mom, dad, girlfriend, and the rest of my family for all the support over the last 10 years of my racing career. None of them even knew what motocross racing was until I got into it, and they supported me every step of the way, encouraging me to do what I love. Then, I have to thank all the companies that have supported me along the way. Every little bit helps, either financially or even a deal on parts, gear, entry fees, etc.. It all adds up.
Big thanks to Vic at VR Mechanical, Cody at Troy Lee Designs, Ron at Northern Cycle, Chris at 139 Designs, Andrew at Scott Goggles, 6D Helmets, Britt at Natty Seats, the Burt River MX crew, guys at Blackstock Motorsports, Dustin at MX Garage, and Jeff at Blud Lubricants. I would not be racing if it weren’t for those people. Thank you, all.
What a great interview, that was. Thank you very much for taking the time to go into some detail for it, Brock.
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Rounds 3 & 4 – November 26/27
Heritage Park, Chilliwack, BC
All You Need To Know
Important note:
-Riders do not require vaccinations to race
– Spectators will be permitted but DO require proof of vaccination to enter the building
– Parents and family of riders DO require proof of vaccination to enter the building to watch your rider, or can watch from outside.
– Masks are still mandatory in all public spaces
Thursday 2:00 pm – 11:00pm
Friday 7:00 am – 11:00 pm
Saturday 7:00 am – 7:00 pm (Mandatory Riders meeting at 11:45 pm) Sunday 7:00 am – 3:00 pm (Mandatory Riders meeting at 8:30 am) ABSOLUTELY NO ENTRY OTHER THAN THESE TIMES – ALL CAMPERS NEED TO BE CHECKED IN AT THE GATE
**Anyone Parking before Thursday @2 pm will be towed by Heritage Park unless given permission by FWM**
All prices plus GST
GATE FEES: Friday – Sunday –
$20 wristband per Family Member – (to be paid and registered online) Mechanic Wristband required to go to Start Gate
** Please Note: Everyone must purchase a wristband separately to have your name on the gate list. **
CAMPING – (to be paid online at time of registration)
*If 50amp plug in required please email *
$20 – No Hookup
$35 – Hookup Per Night
REGISTRATION FEES: (price includes wristband)
$65 first class
$40 second class
$30 third class
PRO ENTRY FEES: (price includes wristband) $70 per class – 100% Payback
Registration Sign Up: ONLINE ONLY Friday Practice and Saturday Racing –
Sunday Racing –
Open practice: $40
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
3:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Limit one practice per bike. If you have 2 bikes you need to select 2 practice groups when signing up.
$65 for expert instruction by Ryan Lockhart and Tanner Ward. 25 SPOTS PER SCHOOL
Sign up :
8-9am – Advanced 85cc and Big Bike
9:10-10:10am – Advanced 50/65cc and Beginner/Junior 85
10:20-11:20am – Beginner/Junior 50/65
All riders must be ready 15 minutes before class. Registration and waivers must be completed online
11:45am Mandatory riders meeting Practice to follow Riders Meeting
Qualifiers to follow practice Main Event to follow Qualifier
8:30am Mandatory riders meeting Practice to follow Riders Meeting
Qualifiers to follow practice Main Event to follow Qualifier
Practice Schedule:
Saturday & Sunday:
To be announced over loudspeaker, radio and posted at Admin Trailer CLASSES (subject to change)
Note: race format will be posted trackside on the day of the race
Tyke 50cc Participation Awards only
New Kid Beginner (50cc, 65cc, One year or less experience) Ages 4-9 Trophy 1-5
Girls Ages 7-14 Trophy 1-350 cc 4-6 Trophy 1-5
50 cc 7-8 Trophy 1-5
50 cc Open Trophy 1-5
65 cc 7-9 Trophy 1-3
65 cc 10-11 Trophy 1-3
65 cc Open: Trophy 1-3
85 cc 7-11 Trophy 1-3
85 cc 12-16 Trophy 1-3
Supermini Trophy 1-3
School Boy 12-17 Trophy 1-3
Schoolboy 2 – (13 to 16) – 122cc to 153cc two-stroke – 150cc to 250cc four-stroke – Intermediates can only ride Schoolboy 2 Minimum wheel base 53 inches. No mini cycle. No Super Mini bikes. Trophy 1-3
Open Beginner Trophy 1-3
250 Junior Trophy 1-3
Open Junior Trophy 1-3
250 Intermediate 50% payout
Open Intermediate 50% payout
Ladies 50% payout
Under 30 50% payout
+30 Vet Junior Trophy 1-3
+30 Vet Master 50% payout
Vet +40 50% payout
Vet +50 50% payout
Pro Open 100% payout
Pro Am Lites (Intermediates allowed) 100% payout No trophy for payout classes
All Payout classes must have 5 riders or more on the gate for pay. All trophy classes go back to 3rd places, no matter the numbers, unless otherwise noted above.
RIDERS MUST HAVE AN MRC MEMBERSHIP Membership can be bought online
Transponders are now mandatory for all racers. Your transponder number must be included on your registration sign up. There are limited transponders available to rent for $20 per day.
NO one permitted on the track other than FWM staff and parent assist classes (Tykes, NKB and 50 cc 4-6). One mechanic permitted at the start gate with their rider – online registration for wristband.
If you are sick, please do not enter the building. STAY HOME
Dispose of all used oil at the appropriate site in the parking lot. Site marked. No alcohol in the building. This will be strictly enforced by Heritage Park. No smoking in the building.
No pit bikes. Please obey NO PARKING LANE SIGNS. Vehicles will be towed with no warning. Please be respectful and follow the rules – we are doing our best to provide you with more great racing, but we must be mindful of the times we are living in.
My stay in Kamloops, BC is quickly coming to an end. This time spent with my mom has been both great and awful. Dementia is a terrible way to go out. I’ve been taking some video clips of its effects and am not really sure what I’m going to do with them other than cry watching them when she finally leaves us. Hug the ones you love and make sure they know how you feel. Life truly is short, and it’s relationships that are what end up being what this is all about.
Have a great weekend, everyone.

Keep pushin , what a journey …,so far